Shoot Apical Meristem lecture by Anupama Goyal
A Meristem is a localized region of the cell which are dividing actively. There are various theories of the shoot apical Meristem. Apical Theory: It was proposed by Nageli. A single …
A Meristem is a localized region of the cell which are dividing actively. There are various theories of the shoot apical Meristem. Apical Theory: It was proposed by Nageli. A single …
This Video tells about the carbonations which are positivity charged species. They are also called as Lwei Acid. These are sp^2 hybridized and planer in structure having a bond angle of …
This video tells about the reactive intermediates which are produced in between a chemical reaction. They are of 4 types- (i) Carbonation, (ii) Carbon ion, (iii) free Radical, (iv) Carbine
A Differention Equation is linear in which the dependent variable and its derivative occur in first degree. dy/dx+P.Y=Q(x) L.D.P. is solved by when its multiplied by exp ∫▒〖p dx〗 because by …
Volvox is a coenobial and colonial alga. Volvox colonies multiply so rapidly during the rainy season that the entire pond is covered by them and appears greenish. The colonies are oval …
This video lecture is about the clover leaf model of tRNA which is a secondary configuration of single stranded nucleotide tRNA proposed by Holley . It has five asrms with stems …
Oxidation of food generates carbon dioxide. Transportation of this by three ways. Approximately 7 % of this transport in dissolved form, 23%in carbaminohaemoglobin form and 70% in bicarbonate form. CO2 enters …
In this video MS. VARSHA SHARMA, explains about the Indifference curve. An indifference curve is a graph showing combination of two goods that give the consumer equal satisfaction and utility. Each …
In this video Prof. B.K. Jain, Dean, MBA, Biyani Girls College explains that retail banking refers to banking services through branches individual customer rather than institution. Best Girls College in Jaipur …
In this video Mr. B.K. Jain, Dean, MBA, Biyani Girls College explains that in this system no of bank are more than one and financing single borrower.