Concept need,Characteristics principles of Educational Administration and Edu-
Cational Management. Concept of authority delegation of power centralization and decemtralization directionm communication unity of command.TQM.
Concept types,principles,styles, need,problems of Leadership Leadership role of school HM in Institutional planning. Concept type,aims,need of Institutional planning and financial management/ School budget, nature,process of preparation,problems and soutions
Meaning,old and modern concept types differences objectives principles,nature,problem,remedies of supervision and inspection Role of school Headmaster in Supervision and Inspection Concept,type,objectives,principles,nature,problem,remedies of following:
– Development and maintenance of infrastructure. – Time table. – Planning co-curricualr activities – School records – Student discipline – Overall school climate and tons.
A brief survey of growth and development of education in India (A) Pre-Independence era-
i. Edcuation during Vedic,Buddhist and Medieval period.
ii. Development during British period-Maculay’s minute.
(B) Post-independence era- Salient features of Secondary Education Commission 1952-53,Education commission 1964 and National Policy on Edcuation 1986. (C) Major recommendations of Education Commission (1964) and NPE-1986 for educational administration.
Role of central and state agencies of education – MHRD,NCTE,NCERT,CBSE,CABE (Central Advisory Board of Education),NIEPA.