Description :-
Definition:- Bed making is a systematic way of prepare the bed on the condition of the patient which adopt scientific principle of nursing .
Purpose:- To promote comfort and safety
To give the ward a neat appearance.
To promote cleanliness
To save time material and effort.
To prevent pressure sore.
to receive the patient during emergency.
Types of bed:-
Simple bed-
1. Close Bed
2. Open Bed
3. Occupied Bed
Special Bed:-
1. Operation Bed
2. Cardiac Bed
3. Fracture Bed
4. Amputation Bed
General Instruction:-
1. Wash hand before and after procedure.
2. Don’t expose the patient.
3. Don’t cover the patient face.
4. Don’t mix clean linen with soiled linen.
5. Make the bed smooth and unwrinkled.
6. Inspect the mattress and pillow daily and destroy if unclean.
Preliminary Assessment: – The doctor order for specific precaution regarding the movement and position of the patient.
Assess the patient ability for self care.
The number of clean linen needed.
Assess the article needed for the comfort of the patient.
1. Bed:- metal rod/Spring wood
2. Mattress
3. Top sheet
4. Mackintosh
5. Draw sheet
6. Pillow
7. Blanket
Explain the procedure
Provide privacy
Switch of the fan
Place the furniture away from the bed
Lower the head and if patient condition permit
Place the stool at bed end
Close bed:- A close bed is an empty bed in which the top cover are arranged that all linen beneath
Spread is fully protected from dust and dirt.
Open Bed:– Open bed is a suitable comfortable and appropriate for hospitalized patient.
In open bed one corner of the linen is folded back to let the patient in.
Occupied bed:- Occupied bed is made with the patient for a patient who cannot get out of the bed.
It is done by two persons.
Purpose:- To provide comfort to patient
To change the soiled bed linen.
Operation bed:- post operative bed is prepare for the patient who is undergone surgical procedure.
Cardiac bed :- Cardiac bed is used for the patient with heart disease and dyspnoea for promote proper breathing .
Fracture bed :- It is used for the patient who has fracture at any body part.
Amputation bed:- It is used for the patient after amputation of lower limb.