• February 13, 2025

Research Interest:

Molecular mechanism of stress, aging and cancer; gene silencing and imaging to understand the mechanism of action of Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha and others.

Education &Professional Career:

Dr. Sunil Kaul was born and brought up in Kalimpong (Darjeeling).  He obtained his MPhil and PhD degrees from the University of Delhi, India.  After his initial post-doctoral training, he was appointed as a researcher at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST) in Japan, and has been working there for last 30 years. He is now a Chief Senior Research Scientist.  His major research interest is to understand the molecular mechanism of stress, aging and cancer. He has been merging the traditional knowledge with modern technologies like gene silencing and imaging to understand the mechanism of action of Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha and others.  He is a coordinator of the DBT (India)-AIST (Japan) International Laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine at AIST, Japan.  With more than 200 research publications in International peer revised journals and several invited talks Internationally, he has been in Editorial board of several scientific journals.He is a Fellow of Geriatrics Society of India (FGSI), Overseas Fellow of Biotech Research Society of India (FBRSI), Fellow of Indian Academy of Neuroscience (FIAN), and Foreign Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India (FNASc).

Affiliation & Contact:

Chief Senior Research Scientist, International Coordinator, DBT–AIST International Center for Translational and Environmental Research (DAICENTER), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST)
Central 5-1, 1-1-1 Higashi, Tsukuba – 305 8565, Japan
Tel: +81 29 861 6713
E-mail: s-kaul@aist.go.jp
