• March 25, 2025

Architecture is both an art and science, dealing with design and development of physical structures, from the macro of urban planning to the micro level-basic construction details. Architects design a wide variety of buildings, crimes.schools, factories, temples, churches, hospitals, houses, airports, flyovers, bridges, malls, residential mumies etc. Advice is also given by the Architects to plan, improve or beautify landscapes, highways, towns, estates, historical buildings, etc.
Architecture is a highly competitive and multi-disciplinary profession which involves a variety of tasks at work. This is a field which covers various fields including spatial design, aesthetics, safety management, material management etc. Architectects are involved in all phases of building construction i.e. the functional, safety, economical and essential need of people. They are responsible for the planning, designing and supervision of construction works. Architects work with civil engineers, urban planners, interior designers, landscape architects and others.

Areas Overview of Specialization Field
Urban designing This work is related to urban planning and focuses on physical design of places, setting the physical setting for life in cities and towns, designing of buildings, spaces and landscapes.
Regional Planning Deals with the management aspects of building projects and construction companies.
Architectural Conservation It deals with the historical material and design integrity of immovable objects. It is related with obj ect or arconservation.
Industrial Design It deals with designing machines, tools, apparatus used in industries.
Landscape Architecture Deal with the art, planning, design, management, preservation and Rehabilitation ofthe land and it’s construction and beautification.
Naval Architecture It is for designing safe, useful boats and ships. It includes construction tankers, warships, passenger ships, dockyards, oil platforms and loading mechanism.
Architecture traffic & transport Deals with the transport facilities and plans for street and highways.

Nature of work
Architecits design, plan, and supervise the construction of buildings. They are responsible for the safety, usefulness, and aesthetics of their buildings. They design structures that satisfy their clients’ needs while conforming to the laws and regulations of the areas in which the structures are built. So an architect takes a lot of things into consideration, such as safety function, economy and suitability. A variety of skills come into play-designing, engineering, managerial and supervisory. As part of their work they:
• Discuss the objectives, requirements, and budget of a project
• Provide various predesigned services which may include conducting feasibility and environmental impact studies, selecting a site, or specifying the requirements the design must meet
• Prepare drawings and present ideas for the client to review br /> • Develop final construction plans that show the building’s appearance as well as details for its construction follow building codes, zoning laws, fire regulations, and other ordinances.
• Make necessary changes throughout the planning process

Personal Attributes
An aspirant for the field of architecture should be a creative artist with an interest and bent towards designing. Ability to sketch free hand is beneficial while explaining to the clients the very intricate details of the structure. It is important to possess knowledge about the physical environment and urban planning. He needs to have an imaginative and perspective outlook. Awareness of social and environmental factors, observant attitude adds to the advantage. Apart from being technically sound, good mathematical ability is important as the work involves complex designing problems, building economies and cost estimations. Often architects deal with legal procedures and documents making it necessary for them to understand legal language related to the profession.Good communication skills, hard work, physical stamina to work on the desk as well on the site, a high degree of concentration level, flexibility, patience, team spirit, responsibility and accountability are some other important traits ofthe profession.
Employment Opportunities
Architects are recruited by various public sectors and private sector companies. Given below are a few of them.
• The archaeological survey of India
• Housing and urban development corporation (HUDCO)
• National building construction corporation ltd
• Public Works Department
• Ministry of Defence
• Departments of Railways
• Post and Tele • City DevelopmentAuthorities like B.D.A., C.D.A., etc.
• Town & Country Planning Organization Private sector entities include: Larsen and Toubro (L&T), Emaar MGF India, DLF, Unitech and a host of other companies. Design firms also hire architects. They are also employed in industrial ventures, consultancy and private architectural firms, teaching institutions, real estate development firms etc. With some years of experience in an organization, the architects can set up their own business.
How to Enter
After 10+2 with Mathematics, a student can do an Under Graduate course in Architecture

Course Eligibility Duration
B. Arch 10+ 2 with Mathematics with minimum 50% marks 5 Yrs

Major Entrance Exams
The National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA) is a national level examination for admission to undergraduate courses. Conducted by National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture (NIASA) which is a of Council of Architecture, the scores are used by most ofthe universities and institutes including the state level miversities. Based on the NATA scores, different institutes conduct further admission processes. NATA can be given infrom lst January -3 0th September every year at designated test centers across the country based on a prior Candidates can appear for NATA as many times as they want.
Contact Center: Council of Architecture: India Habitat Centre, Core 6-A, lst Floor, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Website : www.nata.in
Exammination pattern and syllabus:

Test ExamPattern Questions Abilities Tested
Drawing Test Paper based 2 hrs (2 Questions) 3 D, visualization, logical understanding & observation
Arsthetic Sensitivity Test Computer based online 2 hrs (40 Questions) Critical thinking Ability

Drawing test measures :
• Ability to sketch a given object proportionately and rendering the same in a visually appealing manner..
• Visualizing and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings.
• Sense of perspective drawing, Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form.
• Creating interesting two dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms. Creating visual harmony using colors in given composition.
• Understanding of scale and proportions. Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on themes from day to day experiences.
Aesthetic Sensitivity Test measures:
• Visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings. Visualizing different sides of three A dimensional objects.
• Identifying commonly used materials and objects based on their textural qualities.
• Analytical reasoning, Mental Ability, Imaginative comprehension and expression.
• Architectural awareness.
Other Entrance exams for Bachelor of Architecture
• TANCET (Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test)
• UP SEE (Mahamaya Technical University)
• AIEEE Exam-The CB SE conducts All India Engineering Entrance Examination • Kerala KEAM
• RPET (Rajasthan Pre Entrance Test)
• Karnataka CET-Kamataka Common Entrance Test (KCET)
• MP PET Exam Madhya Pradesh.
• JNTU PACET-JNTU Planning and Architecture Common Entrance Test (PACET) are conducted by Jawaharlal Nelnu Technological University.
• AMU Engineering Entrance Exam-Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)
• BEEE Exam-Bharath University in Chennai
• GCET-Goa CET • IIT JEE-Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
• WBJEE-West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE)
• BSAUEEE-B S Abdur Rehman University (B SAU), in Chennai
List of some Institutions

Institutions Address Website
School of Planning & Architect 4, Block-B, IP Estate, N. Delhi-2 www.spa.ac.in
IIT Kharegpur Kharagpur-721302 India www.iitkgp.ac.in
IIT Roorkee Roorkee, Uttrakhand www.iitr.ac.in
National Institute of Technology Tanjore Main Road,Nationa Highway 67, Tiruchirappalli, 620015 Tamil Nadu, www.nitt.edu
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Jamia Milia lslamia, New Delhi www.jmi.ac.in
Pune University, Marathwade Mitra Mandal College of Architecture 302, A, Deccan Gymkhana Pune-4 l 1004 www.mmcapune.com
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, School of Planning & Architecture Mahavir Marg Hyderabad500025 www.jnafau.ac.in
Goa University College Of Architect Panaji, Campal Goa-l www.unigoa.ac.in
Punjab University, Chandigarh College of Architecture Sector 12, Chandigarh -160012 http://cca.nic.in
Anna University School of Architect & Planning, Sardar Patel Rd., Chennai-600025 www.annauniv.edu
School of Architecture Navrangpure, Ahmedabad-380009 www.cept.ac.in
Apeejay Institute of Tech. School of Architecture & Planning Institutional Area, Surajpur Kansa Road, P.O. Tughaqpur,Greater Noida (U.P.) http://apeejay.edu
Sir J. J. College Architecture University of Mumbai, Sir J .J & College of Architecture, 78/3, Dr. D.N. Road, Mumbai-400001 www.sirjjarchitecture.org
Sushant School of Art and Architecture Sector 55, District Gurgaon 122003, Haryana http://sushantschoolorg
Indian Education Society’s 1791, Bandra Redanation, College of Architecture Bandra (W), Mumbai 400050 www.educationinfoindia.com

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