• March 24, 2025
Cloud of most popular hi3s you can pursue with a degree in Economics
“What potential employers want most is someone with motivation, intelligence, and proven ability to work. Getting an economics degree shows that you have all of those qualities”
So, what do you think Economics is?The study of money? Wealth? According to the Quality Assurance Agency for Hi her Education, Economics is the ‘stud ofthe factors that influence income, wealth and well-being’. It is a social science which incorporates maths and statistics as well as having connections with the physical sciences (biology, medicine and physics) and many other disciplines (politics, law, geography, psychology etc).
Typically an economist tries to simplify data to find the problem, analyze and reason, organize, absorb, build, and evaluate both qualitative and quantitative data, criticize the data by looking at its real-life context and finally create a policy for the problem, realizing the limits as well as its productivity.
The undergraduate course in economics develops three skills: logical thought used in solving problems, observation inference from data, and presenting ideas in compelling writing and speech. Students gain an understanding of such basic concepts as inflation, the function of money, and budget deficits and gain a working knowledge of how the economy operates and adjusts to changing economic conditions.
Economics is the only social science which is awarded a Nobel Prize.

Nature of work
Economics graduates use their understanding of decision-making, their research and analytical skills, and their experience of viewing problems in their national and international context.
The study of economics is aimed at carrying out activities in such a manner to obtain optimum benefit by allocating resources like raw materials, land, capital, technology and labor. Economists achieve such objectives by researching and monitoring the demands and supply, exchange rates, business trends, taxation, employment rates, miation, and costs of materials and based on this they try to find trends and develop predictions. Further, globalization and consequent merging of world economy has widened the hi3 prospects of economics for students in business, education, government, and the non-profit sector.
Economists have structured work schedules. They often work alone, writing reports, preparing statistical charts, and using computers, but they also may be an integral part of a research team. They work in various sectors such as in business to study company policy as related to government directives, trade policies etc. They also assist in decision making processes.
Economists may be classified according to the nature of work they do.

Agricultural Economist Studies problems concerning the optional exploitation of natural resources, land reforms and legislation facility etc. and maintain statistical agricultural production data and forecast. This enables him to forecast production and predict the need for agricultural products.
Financial Economist Investigates trends in price variation and monetary remedial measures. He studies the impact of taxes on the growth of the country, and examines the value of currency, exchange trends and the functioning of banking sector etc.
International Economist – Specializes in the economics of the international business.He collects and maintains statistical data and keeps in touch with latest trends in the world market. He provides the know-how of the profitability of trade for commodities with an international market.
Labour Economist Is concerned with lanbour problems of the country, the demand and supply of the labour force and labour legislation. He prepares profiles of employment opportunities, wages and income polices.
Industrial Economist Is an asset for both the industry and its employees. His work involves finding ways to promote sales and to make working conditions favorable for the worker. He studies market trends, conducts research in selling methods and suggests ways of boosting sales. He is also responsible for framing welfare policies for the labour force.

Personal Attributes
Economists need to have good mathematical abilite, high analytical skills, attention to detail, ability to think logically, as well as laterally and creatively too. They need to have a high standard of communication skills, the ability to communicate through figures, data and words and interest in current and economic affairs both ,of their own country and of the world trends.

Employment Opportunities
Economics is one of the best preparations for a hi3 which can be entered with a Bachelor’s degree. What is brilliant about an economics degree is how flexible it is when looking for jobs.  The private sector offers numerous consultancies,  actuarial jobs,   auditing work, trading,   finance or banking jobs along with numerous public sector jobs. There are avenues for teaching in schools, Universities and coaching classes. NGO’s also look for Economics graduates to help with their policy implementations.
In addition to economic consulting work in both the private and public sectors, employment prospects in Government, journalism, administration, sales, finance, investment banking, and venture capital are enhanced with an Economics degree. Work in these fields requires superior analytical ability, so one’s employment prospects will be fmther improved by supplementing study in economics with skills in statistics, mathematics, and computer science.
Other major areas of employment include:

Accounting Industrial Relations Publishing
Actuarial Insurance Investments Education and Research
Advertising Manufacturing Retailing
Auditor Management Stock Broker
Banking/Finance Marketing Systems Analysis
Communications Media Analyst Personnel Public relations
How to Enter
After 10+2 with Maths a students can do an Under graduate programme in economics.

Accounting Eligibility Duration
B.A/B.Sc.Economics 10+2 with Maths 3 Yers

List of some Institutions

Name Address Website
University of Delhi Delhi www.du.ac.in
St. Xavier’s College 30 Park Street(30 Mother Teresa Sarani) Kolkata -700016 www.sxccal.edu
Aligarh Muslim University Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim, University, Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh www.amu.ac.in
Christ University, Hosur Road,Bangalore- 560029, Karnataka www.christuniversity.in
Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, Punjab www.gndu.ac.in
Dr. Harisingh Gour University Sagar, Pin-470003, M.P. www.sagaruniversity.nic.in
University of Kerala Thiruvanthapuram, Kerla www.keralauniversity.ac.in
Loyola College Chennai-600034, Tamil Nadu www.loyolacollge.edu
Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University Amanaka G.E.Road Raipur (Chhatisgarh) – 492010 www.prsu.ac.in

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