• March 24, 2025

There much more to working in Fiance than jugglings. What was essentially a back office record keeping job, often perceived as a custodian of the debits and credits of numbers is now seen as a hi3 that player a decisive role in decision making and controlling operations in every organization.
So whetheryou want to work in a bank, look after the finances of a hospital, or work as an investment banker, there are numerous opportunities avaialbel. Any industry or business organization requires finance professionals and there will be at least one person from the fiancé discipline in the core management team of every company, however small the company is. Most student enter Finance train as accountants with Charctered Acctounacy firms , Management Films and Certtified Accountacy companies who form the biggest recruiters. Banking and insurance are also popular area, followed by Actouarial work and Fiancial services. It is a hi3 discipline that leads highly ambitious people to the height of their dreams. Fianance is renowned for paying well , too. Most company’s offere high starting salaries along with performance related bonuses. Propects for hi3 progression are excellent.

Nature of work

Are Nature of Work
Chartered Accountant These are professional who provide valuable information about finanacial records of a company.A Chartered Accountant is called watch dog of a company who always tries best to save the organization from possible financial hazards if crisis occurs. These professionals also help in financial budget and taxation planning in many ways.To start the coveted hi3 as Chartered acctountant in India one needs to qualify form Institute of Chartered Accountant of India
Cost of Work Accountant These professionals are specialists in production management service management,. Budgeting and financial decision making,. To be a cost management accountant in india .One needs certification from the institute of cost and work accountants of india ICWA qualification is offered by this institute and is a musch sought after degree
Coampany Secretary The Company Secretary is a vital link between the company ., it Directors share holders and other agencies.His work involves diverse responsibilities. They work as corporate development planneres who explore expansion opportunities such as various collaborations mergers take overs setting joint ventures within India and aborad, They have a say in the formulation of company’s policies and programs besides performing legal accounting and financial functions. To become a Company Secretary one needs to train and quality form Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
Actuary An actuary is a financial expert who applies mathematical and statistical methods for assessment of financial and other risks relating to various contingent event and for scientific valuation of financial products in the fields of insurance, retirement and other benefits investiment and other related area. It is considered among the world top most hi3s .To become an acturary one has to quality the exams and meeth  other critwereia set by the Actuarial Society of
Commercial Banking With the nationalization of banks and private players in the fray commercial banking has touched the lives of almost every citizen.Be it in the form of slary accounts ,mutual funds securitization business credit cards consumer loans housing loans trading in gold and forex activities. Working in abank officers one a varied experience and is a much sought after profession.

Personal Attributes
Typically fianance jobs requires the following traits
‘Ability to realte to others- you will have to work with colleague’s often in small teams and may work in different groups for differnetr projects.
“Resilience”-because you’ll probably be studying for exams after work.If you fail one paper once has to be resilent enough to bounce back and try again.
‘Commitment’—necessary if you are going to put in all those hourse after a day work to sudy and better your prospects.
Other common requirements are communication skills, problem-solving ability business awareness interest in customer service time management leadership potential and of course numeracy.
Cultural awareness and sensitivity are becoming increasing important as large financial companies are gloabal organization

Employment Opportunitis
It is with the advent of globalization of banking services in India that fincial service companies have grown tremendously in the countery. Various global and Indian finance companies have emeged and started setting up business shops in India resulting in financial revolution in India. Growth in the fiannce business sector has resulted in tremendous growth in infrastructure transportation aviatioan banking housing finance personal finace many more.Consumer behavior has also changed with easy access to cahs, resulting in development of housing finance personal finance, auto finance and other life amentities and even luxuries. All these developments in the financial market have resulted in favourable in job scenario also.
One hopes to see exponential growth in this sector in the times to come.

Chartered Accountancy
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A Chartered Accountant is one who is specialized in accounting, auditing and taxation. With the rapid growth in economy, hi3s in finance and accounts have gained tremendous popularity and them most prestigious hi3 option in this field is that of Charterd Accountant.
Chartered Accountancy is a dynamic, challenging and rewarding profession. This satisfying and high profile hi3 equips the person not only with the necessary knowledge and technical skills in the field of accountancy, but also develp managerial outlook to successfully handle even the most critical problems.
Job prospects are excellent. All the companies retgistered under the Companies Atc, are required to geth their accounts audited only by practicing Chartered Accountants. A qualified Chartered Accountant has the option of joining the Government Service, Public Sector Undertak ing, Banks, Insurance companies, Private sector jobs,or setting up one’s own practice.The duty of Chartered accountant is to ensure that the financial transaction of an organization are maintained according to the law; they also keep track of cost management of the company and manage tax matters. They are the ones responsible for handling accounts and fianance related matters, deal with money management, prepare, analyze and audit accounts along with providing financial advice. Only members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants can call themselves Chartered Accountants, upon attaining the certificate from the Institute. Legally only qualified Chartered Accountants are authorized to audit and certifiy a company’s books of accounts.

Nature of Work
Chartered Accountant are generally found to be working either as employees in a firm or they indulge in their private practice.The range of work in both the cases depeneds on the size of practice. The types of functions generally performed by the Chartered Accountants are quite varied, they are.

Area Nature of Work
Accountancy The writing up of accounts and the preparation of financial statements from the simplest receipts and payment Accounts of a small club to the compex and detail accounts of large public limited companies.
Auditing The purpose of auditing is to satisfy the users of financial Statement that the accounts presented to them are drawn up on Correct accounting principles and that they represent a true and fiar view of the state of affairs.
Taxation The Chartered Accountant with his experience in accounts is in an advantage position to prepare the returns for tax purposes, represent accesses before the income tax authorizes and render general advice on taxes to his clients. The services of CA may be requisitioned by the tax department for auditing taxation cases with large revenue potential.
Cost-Accountancy A Chartered Accountant is equipped to proved information on costing for the guidance and management, introduce cost control methods and assist the management in determining appropriate selling prices.
Special company Work The services or advice of Chartered Accountants are frequently sougt in connection with matters such as the formation, financial structure and liquidation of limited companies.
Investigation Chartered Accountants are often called upon to carry out investigation to ascertain the financial position of business houses for the purpose of issuance of new shares, purchase or slae or financial of business, finding out reasons for increase or decrease of profits , reconstruction and amalgamations.
Exceutors and Trustess A Chartered Accountant is also often appointed executor under a will or trust in order to carry on the administration of the estate or settlement.
Share Valuation Work A Chartered Accountant undertakes the valuation of shares of public and private companies at the time of amalgamation ro reorganization.

Personal Attributes
Accountants must have good numerical ability and analyitical mind to interpred facts and figures correctly. They should have logical and methodical approach. As their work often relates to discussing financial matters with number of people, sometimes with people who don’t have background in finance, they should be able to express themselves clearly. This makes it imperative to have good understanding of the subject with equally good verbal and written skills. Sometimes the work can be extremely strenuous and exchusting especially during financial year closing, so stamina both physical and mental with patience to handle such situation are of added advantage. For accountants practicing privately, it is important to have necessary business skills.

Employment Opportunities
Various options for pursuing rewarding hi3s are:

  • Set up independent professional practice
  • Join a practicing firm of Chartered Accountant
  • Render services in the field or capital market
  • Enagage in your own industrial business venture
  • Take up a suitable position in business or industry

Many national and multinational companies employ CA’s Some of the well known ones include CA firm like price water Coopers, KPMG, Emst and young, Delotte and Insurance companies like ICIC Prudential , Birla Sun-Life Tata Aig, Reliance to name a few.
How to enter into this Profession

The Institute of Chartertered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statuory body that was set up to regulate the profession of Chartered Accountants.Its responsibilities include conduction the exam, granting licence, and granting membership to the institute.
Eligibility Criteria
Under the existing chartered accountancy shceme of education traning and examination the requirements for becoming a Chartered Accountant are as follows:

  1. Enroll with the institute for common proficiency test (CPT) after pasing class 10th examination conducted by an examination body. Appear in CPT after appearing in 10+2 examination after completion of secified period 60 days fro the date of regisatration for CPT with the Board of Studies as on the first day of them opnth in which examination is to be held viz, students registered on or before lst April/1st Oct.,will be eligble to appear inJune/Dece. Examination as the case may be. However , candidate shoul pass both CPT and 10+2 before registering for Instegrate Professional Competence Course
  2. Enroll for Group I or Group II or both Group I and Group II Integrated Professional Competence Course to become “Chartered Accountant”.
  3. Successfully compelte 9 months of study course from the date of IPCC registration.
  4. Successfullycomplete orientation course of one week successfully compelte 100 hours Information Tech. Training(ITT) before commencement of articled training.
  5. Appear and pass Group I as well as Group II of intergrated professional completence examination group I is composed of four papers and Group II is composed of three papers.
  6. Register as Article Assistant for a period 3 yrs,. On passing either Group I or both the Group of IPCE
  7. Register for CA Final Course and prepare for CA Final Examination
  8. Undergo General Management and Communication skills 15 days course while undergoing final course and serving the last 12 months of article training.
  9. Compelete 3 yrs period of articled training
  10. Appear in the Final Examination on completion of the practical training or while servin last 6 months of articled training on ro before the last day of the month proceeding the month in which the examination is to be held.
  11. Pass final examinatioin and complete GMCS,is not completed earlier.Enroll as a member of ICAI and designate as “ Chartered Accountant”

Major Enetrance Exam
Common Proficiency Test
About the test

Common Proficiencey Test is an entry level test for C.A Course of 200 marks. This test is diviede inot two sessions of two hourse each. CPT is an objective type test with negative marking.
Examination Pattern
Subject convered in CPT

Section A : Fundamental Of Accounting (60 marks)
Section B : Mecrcantile Laws 40 marks
Section A : General Eco (50 marks)
Section B : Quantitative Aptitude (50 marks)
Address of Head Office and Regional Councils

Institute Address
The Instt of Chartered Accountants of India Head Office ICAI Bhawan , Indraprastha Marg, Post Box-7100 New Delhi www.icai.org
Central India Regional Council ICAI Bhawan Post No-314,16/77B Civilline Kanpur circ@icai.in
Southern India Regional Council The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ICAI Bhawan,122 M MG Road Nungambakkam Chennai sirc@icai.org
Eastern India Regional Council The Instt of Chartered Acct. of India 7- Anandilal Poddar Sarani Russel street Kolkata eirc@icai.in
Western India Regional Council The Instt of Chartered Acct. of India ICAI bhawan “Anveshak” 27 Cuffe Parade Colabe Mumbai,wirc@icai.in
Northern India Regional Council The Instt of Chartered Acct. of India ICAI Bhawan 5th floor Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi nirc@icai.in
Company Secretartship
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Today, with the compulsion that every firm, with a paid up share capital of Rs-5 crore or more has to appoint a person in the capacity of a Company Secretary (CS), there is an exceeding need and importance that has taken precedence the area of Company SecretaryShip.
This is because, in this position, one acts as the mediator between the company and its Board of Directos, govemment, shareholders and regulatory authorities. The job of a Company Secretary is to ensure that the Board Procedures are strictly followed and regularly revised. Company Secretary is the conscience seeker of a company.or she guides the Chairman and the Directors on how to make the best use of their responsibilities under various laws.

A company Secretary is knowledge professional with a research bent of mind acquired through rigorous training corporate laws and corporate management. Company Secretaries are well versed in Information Technology. his procedure orientation and mastery, Company Secretary is able to set up the industries cost efficiency. He is a well versed in foreign collaboration and joint venture agreements as well as intellectual property rights.

Personal Attributes
Should be organized and have the capability to deal with a number of problems at the same time.Must have ability understand complex and technical issues and an excellent verbal and written communication skill. Able to secrets of the decisions taken in the high level meetings and be loyal to the company besides intellectual and social ability required to deal effectively with various categories of people.

Employment Opportunities
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has been converted into a statutory body under the Company Secretaries Act, 1980.111 actual practices; it will depend upon the size of the company the person is working with. The nature of activities that the company is engaged in will also affect the type of services that a Company Secretary is required provide. Today’s global scene shows a focus on the development of the corporate sector. Growth automatically translates into the involvement of legalities of various kinds. And this falls under the purview of a Company Secret Companies need advice from a person with a thorough knowledge of all relevant laws; this advice service is provided by the Company Secretary. Thus the employment potential for company secretaries exists in (i) Corporate sector (ii) Government sectors ii (iii) Teaching in universities
A combination of experience and expertise can lead to appointment at top-level positions like chairman, directors and managing director, in reputed organizations.

How to Enter
“The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” (ICSI) is a premier National Professional body established by Act of Parliament to develop and regulate the Profession of Company Secretaries.
ICSI imparts training in Company Secretaryship by Distance Learning ( correspondence) enabling students to qualify as Company Secretaries. The Institute provides “Course Material” for all the subjects at the time of Registration. There is also provision for Optional Oral Coaching classes.

  • Foundation Course: After 10+2 or equivalent examination in any stream except fine arts a student is eligible to take the foundation course. The subjects are; Corporate and Business Communication, Business Law and Management, Principles of Accountancy, Economics and Statistics, Information system and Quantitative Techniques. Duration ofthe course is 18 months.
  • Intermediate Course: For Intermediate course a student must be CS Foundation pass or graduation in any discipline (Arts, Science and Commerce) except fine Arts. Duration of course is 1 8 months.
  • Final Course: Admission in final course is after passing the intermediate course. On successfully clearing the Intermediate and Final Courses a candidate is required to serve a training period of 1-2 years with a Company or under a qualified and practicing Company Secretary. On completion of a four months training thereafter the candidate becomes a member of the Institute of the Company Secretaries of India and is assigned a professional membership number and can use the suffix ACS after his / her name. A l Fellow Member of the Institute who is normally a senior pro can use the suffix FCS after his / her name.
For Foundation Programme 3lst March for appearing in December Examination in the same year
30th September for June Examination next year
Placement Method
The Institute and its offices maintain the database of the members/ students desirous of employment and the Institute also assists the members and students for Placement. Campus interviews are also conducted for assisting the students to get employment. Vacancies for the post of Company Secretaries received by the Institute are placed on ICSI Website for reference.

Address of Head Office and Regional Councils

Region Address Website/Email ids
ICSI HEADQUARTERS ‘ICSI HOUSE’ 22 sinstitutional Area, Lodi 1 Road New Delhi 110003 www.icsi.edu
Eastem India Regional Council (E.I.R.C) 3-A, Ahiripukar lst lane,Kolkata-700019 icsieirc@cal2.vsnl.net.in
Northem India Regional Council (N .I.R.C) ICSI-NIRC Building, 4, Prasad Nagar Institutional Area (Behind Kalindi (college) Rajendra Place, New Delhi . i 110005 nircicsi@nde.vsnl.net.in
Southern Indian Regional Council (SIRC) New No. 9, (old No.4) ,VVheat Crofts Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai 600034 icsisirc@md3.vsnl.net.in
Western India Regional Office (W.I.R.C) 13, Jolly Maker Chambers No.II,(1st Floor), Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 wircicisi@bom5.vsnl.net
Cost and Management Account
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Cost management has become one of the most important life-lines for any organization’s survival. Organizations require efficient cost management to increase profitability and avoid unwanted expenses. With the global competitive nature and economic demands, a company’s success totally depends on the quality of service it provides with minimum cost input.
A Cost and Management accountant deals solely with the financial aspects of a company. He facilitates strategic management decision in respect of economic activities of an organization by his sheer expertise. He also helps to diagnose the areas of uneconomic activities with cost and management information systems and by analyzing the expenditure of each product or process to show the cost of each thus ensuring that there is a fair share of profit obtained.
A cost accounting degree equips a person with the knowledge on how to manage finance efficiently and ensure managerial decisions are well within the available resources. This is a field which provides satisfaction in terms of position as well as remuneration for successful candidates.

Nature of Work
A cost accountant is generally involved in the following functions:-

  • Collection, compilation and analysis of financial information / reports
  • Assessing the feasibility of projects vis-a-vis funds available
  • Designing and implementing effective cost control and cost management
  • Audit work guiding the management on risks involved and suggesting effective cost cutting measures.
Personal Attributes
The basic skills an aspiring cost accountant needs is good numerical ability and an analytical mind to interpret facts and figures. A logical and methodical approach in work is required. An ability to interact and express clearly to the clients and customers is preferred.

Employment opportunities
A cost accounting degree has tremendous scope in the country. The fact that every organization needs a control on its finance, for its own survival, throws open the tremendous hi3 prospects this field holds. Alternatively one can take up consultancy work with small and big firms. ICWAI passed candidates can hold top management positions as Managing Director, Finance Director, Financial Controller, Accountant, Cost Controller and Chief Internal Auditor.
A cost accountant may build up his own practice by obtaining a license from the institute, which would enable him to practice as a cost accountant, either individually, or in partnership with one or more members of the institute. His clients may include private and public companies, large, medium and small-scale undertakings, partnerships and proprietary concerns, industrial, commercial and service undertakings.

How to enter
The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India (ICWAI), is an autonomous professional Institute and provides training, education and research facilities in Cost and Management accounting.
After completing Class XII exams, one needs to qualify in the Foundation Course Exam of ICWA course. The course syllabus for the Foundation Course includes organization and management fundamentals, accounting, economics and business fundamentals, business mathematics and statistics fundamentals.
After passing the Foundation course, candidates are eligible for admission to Intermediate course which has two stages of four papers each. The student can do this through postal correspondence or attending coaching. According to the revised syllabus, along with the 8 papers in the Intermediate, two group discussions, two seminars and also computer training of 50 hours have been included.
After clearing the Intermediate Exam the student can then register for Final Course which also consists of two stages Lansing four papers each. In the final along with the 8 papers; Dissertation (5000 words), Computer (100 hours), Modular training (15 days), Audit / Industrial training (6 months) is included. The total duration for the entire course is 18 months, however it can be covered in two to three years.
Examination: ICWAI Examinations are held in June and December and are conducted at various centers of the Country and also at three Overseas Centers.

Addresses of Regional Offices

Region Address Website
Head Quarter The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India12 ,Sudder Street , Kolkata – 700 O16 www-lcwai.org
Northern CWAI Bhawan, 3, Institutional Area, Lodi Road
Western Rohit Chambers,4th Floor Janmabhoomi, Marg ,FortMumbai – 400 001 www.icwai-wirc.org
Eastern 84, Harish Mukherjee Road, Kolkatta – 700 025 www.eircoficwai.com
Southern ICWAI Bhawan,4, Montieth Lane, Egmore,A Chennai – 600008 www.sircoficwai.com
Actuarial Science
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Introduction Actuarial science essentially deals with the education on insurance risks and financial management of Insurance Companies. It involves the application of Maths, Statistics, and Economics analysis to a wide range of decision making process in insurance, investment, financial planning and Management. The profession requires intensive training in Maths & Statistics and insurance probability.
Actuarial science or Insurance is a subject that applies mathematical principles to assess risks of insurance and premium. The most important thing that a person learns through an actuarial course is the application of science, maths, and economics in a wide range of decision making process in investment, financial planning management and insurance.
Actuaries are organization that provides services in sectors like finance and investment, insurance (health, life, general) and several benefit plans regarding employee retirement. Insurance is understood as coverage by contract where by one party undertakes to identify or guarantee another against loss by a specified contingency, the amount for which it is insured. Insurance can therefore cover life, health, goods, equipments, travel or anything of value to the person or organization body. Till very recently, insurance was largely under the government sector. However, now many private multinational firms have come into India with a variety of insurance scheme.

Nature of Work
Actuaries are the backbone of the insurance and pension industries. They apply mathematical, statistical and economic analysis to a wide range of practical problem in insurance, investment, financial planning and management. They are disciplined problem solvers. Actuaries are often involved in making decisions concerned with the financial soundness of insurance companies and pension funds. Actuaries, by virture of their analytical and incisive outlook, can make significant contributions in the fields like demography, social welfare etc. An Actuary can be the cerebral centre of any financial sector. Actuary’s asses the financial impact of tomorrow’s uncertain events. They enable financial decisions to be made with more confidence by analyzing the past, mode, modeling the future, assessing the risks involved, and communicating what the result mean in financial terms.
The work of an actuary involves the calculation of insurance risk, premium and pension programmers. Actuarial science is built on the statistical evaluation of the financial and economic implications of possible contingencies. The job profile of an actuary includes product design, policy pricing, and asset liability management.

In an insurance company a person can be employed in:

  • Administration-deals with the registry of claims.
  • Development-deals with marketing and procurement of business etc.
  • Accounts-deals with the management of funds and their disbursement.
  • Investment-responsible for the investment of funds of insurance company.

Personal Attributes
To be a successful Actuary, excellent command over Maths, an interest in Statistics and probability theory, a keen eye for socioeconomics trends as well as legislative provisions in this regard, are some of the important prerequisites. Having a good communication skill, both oral and written are necessary. Knowledge of computers with problem solving skills and decision making skills are preferred. Acquaintance with the business environment, economics, finance and accounts is an added advantage.

Employment Opportunities
Actuaries provide professional services in a wide range of business that include Investment and Financial Services, Life Insurance, Health Insurance, General Insurance, Employee Retirement and Benefit Plans and Risk Management.
They are in demand in Insurance companies, Actuarial firms, Bank, Investment companies, Consulting firms, Risk management companies, public accounting firms, Business houses, and Pension department.
The major government companies are Life Insurance Corporation and india Postal Life Insurance. Many private companies-HDFC, ICICI, Max New York Life, Kotak Mahindra ,Birla Sunlife, have also entered this business hence the prospects of getting a good job in insurance companies has increased a lot.

How to Enter
After 10+2 with Maths a student can do an Undergraduate progamme in Actuarial Science.
Course Eligibility Duration
B.Sc.+M.Sc.(Dual Degree) 10+2(min.60%)with maths-min-85% 5 Years
B.A (insurance) Class XII with Maths 3 Years
Major Entrance Exam
Institute of Actuaries of India(IAI)
9, Jeevan Udhyog, DN Road, Mumbai-400001
The Institute of Actuaries of India is the sole professional body of Actuaries in India A person who wants to be an actuary has to pass an entrance exam conducted by the Actuarial Society of India.
Examination Institutions
Syllabus for the entrance examination includes three papers, Mathematics,English and General Essay. The study material should be so selected by the students as to cover the above topics.Any standard text book in Mathematics prescribed for B.Sc. and covering areas of integral calculus of equations and higher algebra may be used.
List of some Institution
Name Address Website
University of Delhi Delhi-110007 www.du.ac.in
University of Mumbai MG Road,fort, Mumbai -400032 www.mu.ac.in
Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra-132119 www.kuk.ac.in
Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar, Punjab,India www.gndu.ac.in
Utkal University Po.Vani Vihar Bhubaneshwar-751004 www.utkal-university.org
Manipal University Canchipur,Imphal-795003 www.manipal.edu
Goa University P O Santa Cruz,Teleigao Plateau,Goa-403002 www.bamu.nic.in
Andhra University Visakhapatnam-530003 www.andrauniversity.info
Amity University,School of Insurance and Actuarial Sciences Sector-44, NOida(UP) www.amity.edu
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Banking is one of the most important hi3 choices among students because it is well paid, secure and high status hi3 & though it may appear that these jobs are meant for hi2/economics students but the fact is that majority of bank officers are from different streams of education like Arts, Science and others.
Banking offers a clean, peaceful and dignified work atmosphere and lifestyle. The banking sector embraces the A entire society. A Career in banking offers promise of good remuneration and benefits. Service conditions ensure a secure and comfortable lifestyle. The all round demands for professionals has made all the banks whether Public sector banks Foreign and Multinational banks to recruit more and more MBA graduates, CAs and CFAs to enhance efficiency.
Emergence of technology-driven new private banks and entry of Financial Institutions into short-term lending business has created the requirement of more professionals. Now banks are in the mutual funds, securitization.Business, credit cards, consumer loans, housing loans besides trading in gold and forex activities. One can get a varied experience by working in banks.

Nature of work
With most banks getting computerized, it has become absolutely necessary for a person to be a computer literate so that he/ she is able to use the software packages to perform the daily transactions.
A bank clerk is involved in various operations like keeping a record of accounts, loans, mortgages, providing services like payrolls and inventory accounting to the customers. The other positions in a bank are relationship managers, secretary, and receptionist. In small banks there is a lot of job rotation of an employee; hence the responsibilities are not very clearly demarcated. However, in bigger banks each employee is specialized in his/her role.
Specialization Overview
Retail Banking Deals in deposits, withdrawals, transfer of money, exchange of foreign currency, issue of traveler’s cheques.
Personal Banking Deals in loans, mortgages, credits, insurance policies, pensions.
Corporate Banking Deals in transacting business with institutional investors, international.
Merchant Banking Deals in transacting business with institutional investors, internantional, finance and public issue management. Merchant Banking relates to investment securities, international funds and other such instruments. To offer advisory services to corporate clients on capital structure decisions, public issue management, underwriting, raising money through public issues and from overseas markets etc. are some of the prominent functions of merchant Banking
Rural Banking Includes transacting business with banking and credit needs of the people in the rural sector
Investment Banking Securities underwriting, markets and arranging mergers, acquisitions and restructuring and banking jobs related to financial activities are covered under investment banking. These banks have large financial assets as they have to manage dealer activities and in trading and distribution of securities. Investment banks take part in direct markets by bringing financial claim for sale with the objective of helping businesses and governments sell their new security issues.
Personal Attributes
The person should have a mathematical aptitude. Employees joining as officers should be able to lead, motivate and manage the bank staff. Good verbal and written communication skills help in effective interaction with the clients as well as the staff. Integrity and honesty play a maj or role in all dealings related to money, staff and clients. A person responsible for foreign exchange transactions needs to have a sharp, quick and analytical mind. A clear logical mind, assertiveness, efficiency and up-to-date knowledge of recent developments are preferred.
To join foreign or private sector banks at higher level one needs specialization in some specific areas. For example expertise in project analysis, credit appraisal skills, managing huge loan portfolios, general and foreign exchange and money management. Good computer knowledge is always preferred.
Employment Opportunities
As banking is a growing industry, the job prospects are good. In nationalized banks, one can expect regular promotions while in private banks it is performance that is rewarded,. But it is not necessary to be banking professional only to get into banks. As financial services are getting automated, the industry requires a large number of computer experts, both in computer maintenance and software. Private computer service contractors are also in great demand. It would be important to have a BE or MCA degree for such jobs.
Public sector Banks recruit mainly graduates for Clerical and Probationary Officer posts on the basis of A11 India Level examination. However professionals like engineers, doctors, technologists, lawyers, ex-defense officers etc are recruited on senior positions through A11 India tests. Graduates with hi2/economics are desirable candidates but any one from any stream can enter into this service by qualifying the exams conducted by banks. Private sector/Foreign Banks prefer to take MBAs, CAs, CFAs etc at junior positions through Campus recruitment and interviews. However, at the senior positions they opt for experienced bankers. Thus the officers from Public sector Banks become the natural choice for such positions.
How to Enter
After 10+2 a student can do an Undergraduate programme in Banking.
Courses Offered
Course Eligibility Duration
B.A. in Banking 10+2 3 years
B.A. in Rural Banking 10+2 3 years
BBA in Banking & Insurance 10+2 and Entrance exams 3 years
B.A. in Banking Management 10+2 3 years
B.Sc. with Costing & Banking 10+2 3 years
B.Com with Banking 10+2 3 years
List of some Institutions
Name Address Website
Andra Pradesh Sri Venkates hwara University Andra Pradesh Tirupati-517502, A.P. www.andhrauniversity.info
Ansal Institute Of Technology Sector-5 5, Gurgaon-122003, Haryana www.aitgurgaon.org
Behrampur University PO Vani Vihar, Bhubaneshwar-751004 www.bamu.nic.in
BLS Institute Of Technology Management Rohtak Road, NH-l0, Jhakoda, Bahadurgarh (Haryana) www.b1sitm.com
Delhi College Of Advanced Studies B-7, Shankar Garden, Janakpuri, Delhi www.ipuniversity.com
Delhi Institute Of Rural Development G.T.KamalRoadVil1age, Nangali Puna, Delhi-110036 www.dirdcollege.com
Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology Plot No.103 7/ 1, Kapashera, New Delhi- 110037 www.iimtindia.com
H.R College of Commerce 123, Dinshaw Wachha Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020 www.hrcollege.edu
Hindi Vidya Prachar Samiti’s, Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College Opp. Railway Station, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai Maharashtra – 400 086 www.rjcollege.edu.in
Kasturi Ram College Of Higher Education Vill. Karoni (Khasra No. 17/1/2/3 and33/3) Narela, Delhi – 110040 www.krcollege.in
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies Sector-22, Rohini, Delhi- 110085 www.maims.ac.in
Maharaja Surajmal Institute C-4, Janak Puri, New Delhi-110058 www.msi-ggsip.org
Manipur University Canchipur, Imphal-795003, Manipur www.manipuruniv.ac.in
Trinity Institute Of Professional Studies Sector-9, Dwarka, (near Metro Pillar No.1160) New Delhi – 110075 www.trinity.edu.in
Utkal University Po.Bhubaneshwar -751004 www.utkal-university.org
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