Two- Cavity Klystron
Klystron is the simplest vacuum tube that can be used for amplification or generation of microwave signal. The operation of klystron depends upon velocity modulation which leads to density modulation. Principle- …
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Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Immunology, Virology and Pathogenesis Click Here Click Here 2. Cell Biology Click Here Click …
Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Plant Biotechnology Click Here Click Here 2. Genetic Engineering Click Here Click Here
Klystron is the simplest vacuum tube that can be used for amplification or generation of microwave signal. The operation of klystron depends upon velocity modulation which leads to density modulation. Principle- …
Klystron is the simplest vacuum tube that can be used for amplification or generation of microwave signal. The operation of klystron depends upon velocity modulation which leads to density modulation.
Principle- high velocity electron beam is formed, focused and sent down along a glass tube to a collector electrode, which is at a high positive potential with respect to the cathode.
The input and output are taken from the tube via resonant cavity. The region between buncher cavity and catcher cavity is called drift space. The first electrode controls the number of electrons in the electron beam and focuses the beam. The velocity of the electrons in the beam is determined by the beam accelerating potential. When electrons travel through the drift space, they are subjected to RF potential at a frequency determinate by the cavity resonant frequency. The amplitude of this RF potential between the grids is determines by the amplitude of the input signal in case of an amplifier or by the amplitude of the feedback signal from the second cavity if used as an oscillator.
In velocity modulation, three cases are taken. Firstly, there is no applied voltage and as such electrons passing through the gap A are unaffected and will reach the collector with the …
In velocity modulation, three cases are taken. Firstly, there is no applied voltage and as such electrons passing through the gap A are unaffected and will reach the collector with the same constant velocities.
At point B on the input RF cycle, the alternating voltage is zero and the electrons which passes through the gap A is unaffected by the RF signal (Reference electron, eR).
Secondly, consider C point passing the gap slightly later than the eR, this late electron, eL is subjected to positive RF voltage so that eL is accelerated and catches eR.
Thirdly, consider point A of RF cycle, an electron passing the gap slightly before the eR, called early electron ee and this early electron is subjected to negative RF voltage so ee is retarded and as such eR catches ee. When the electron passes the buncher gap their velocity will be changed according to the input RF signal. This process is known as velocity modulation. The electrons bunch together as they travel in the drift space. The pulsating stream of electrons passes through the gap and excites oscillations in the output cavity. The density of electrons passing the gap B varies cyclically with time. This means the electron beam contains an ac current and variation in current density enables the klystron to have a significant gain and hence drift space converts the velocity modulation into current modulation.
Immunology is the study of immune system and diseases related to immune system simply starting from allergy to very much complexed and dreadful diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis etc. There are various …
Immunology is the study of immune system and diseases related to immune system simply starting from allergy to very much complexed and dreadful diseases like AIDS, Hepatitis etc. There are various techniques to diagnose the diseases via identifying the presence of antibody or antigen in the serum of the patient. This forms the basis of the above said technique. Whole immune system is based on the interaction between antigen (foreign, non self material) and antibody (gamma globulins formed to combat Infection against that particular antigen). Interaction can be in form of agglutination (blood grouping) or precipitation. This interaction is liable for body’s defense against viral and bacterial infection. The antibody binds with more than one antigen depending upon its specificity or affinity for that antigen.
This technique is named after Orjan Ouchterloy, Swedish Physician in 1948. In this technique, both antigens and antibody are allowed to diffuse on the gel plate prepared by solidification of agarose gel on the plate and wells made onto this gel via gel puncture. Respective wells are filled with antigen and antibody by using micropipette and incubated in moist chamber for 24 hrs. a proper precipitation occurs when the amount of both antigens and antibody are at optimal concentration known as Equivalance point or Equilance zone. After 24 hrs, proper precipitin lines can be observed as a visual signature of antigen and antibody interaction. Three types of patterns are formed viz; pattern of full identity, pattern of partial identity and pattern of non identity. A full continuous line represents pattern of identity stating the immunologically similar nature of antibody for its respective antigen. Continuous line with formation of spur represents pattern of partial identity concluding antibody affinity for one particular antigen. Pattern of non identity is characterized by two crossing lines not meeting with each other concluding that antigens are immunologically not similar for their respective antigens.
Thus it can be concluded that by immunodiffusion assays immunological disesase (HIV, HEPATITIS) and presence of antigens and anibody in the serum.
(i) Intrinsic Semiconductor:- • Semiconductor in their extremely pure form are called intrinsic semiconductors . eg. Ge & Si Basically insulators • The energy gap between the conduction and valence band …
(i) Intrinsic Semiconductor:-
• Semiconductor in their extremely pure form are called intrinsic semiconductors . eg. Ge & Si
Basically insulators
• The energy gap between the conduction and valence band is so small that the e- may be excited by thermal energy from valence band to conduction band.
• These excited e- present in the conduction band and the remaining unpaired e- in the valence band contribute to the conductivity.
• The conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors is due to the excited e-.
• No. of excited e- increase with increase in temperature.
• Conductivity of semiconductors increase in increase in temperature.
(ii) Extrinsic Semiconductor:-
• Substance which are normally insulators can be made semiconductors when small amount of impurities are added to them. Substances are called extrinsic semiconductors.
(a) n-Type Extrinsic Semiconductors:-
• Group 14 elements Silicon Crystals contains impurity of arsenic (4s2, 4p3) having more e- than Silicon in its valence shell. During the formation of bonds with surrounding Silicon atoms the Arsenic atoms use four of their valence e-.
• The fifth e- of each Arsenic atom is free. These extra e- occupy donor level which is just below the empty conduction band of Silicon Crystal.
• These e- from donor level can easily be excited to the empty conduction band.
(b) p- Type Extrinsic Semiconductors :-
• When the Silicon Crystal contains impurity of Boron or Aluminium (s2p2) having lesser e- than Silicon in its valence shell . We get p-Type Extrinsic Semiconductors e- from valence band of Silicon go to vacant orbital of Boron occupying the acceptor level which lies just above the valence band of Silicon resulting in the increase in conductivity of Silicon.
MAL-ABSORPTION SYNDROME It is a group of disorders marked by subnormal absorption on dietary constituent & excessive loss of nutrition in stool CAUSES— • Gall bladder & pancreatic diseases • Lymphatic …
It is a group of disorders marked by subnormal absorption on dietary constituent & excessive loss of nutrition in stool
• Gall bladder & pancreatic diseases
• Lymphatic obstruction
• Vascular impairment
• Bowel resection
• Stool with mucus
• Infection
• Chronic diarrhea
• Abdominal distension
• Failure to thrive
• Flatulence
• Anorexia
• Fatigue
• Loss of weight
• Mall nutrition
• Growth failure
• Stool loose & bulky in severe disease
• Pasty & yellowish in exocrine pancreatic in sufficiency
There are mainly 3 categories—
Impaired digestion due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency also result in chronic diarrhea & malabsorption.
It also occurs due to cystic fibrosis, lipase deficiency, bile-duct atresia &crohn’s disease
Massive steatorrhea occurs most frequently in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Due to celiac disease & bacterial over growth
These patient have steatorrhea abnormal D-xylose test & abnormal intestinal histology
Due to congenital deficiency of mucosal enzyme
It is presented with liquid acidic loose stools which is usually passed with flatus.
• Repeated routine stood examination
• Fecal fat studies
• Intestinal biopsy
• Pancreatic function test
• Radiology like barium meal studies
• Nursing care focouses on the supporting the parents in the maintain glutting free diet for the child
• Help parents to understand that this disease may requires lifelong dietary modification
• Discoution of diet plan for the child at risk of growth retardation
• Nutritional assessment & continuous teaching of diet plan to parent should be maintain
• The child also avoid processed food that content glutain or a filler
• Empharis the needs of complication while entering the child developments needs
• Maintenance of normal diet pattern
• Fluid volume deficit
• Knowledge deficit related to diet plan
Hypertrophic phloric stenosis is a marked and progressive over growth or enlargement of clcular muscles fibers of pylorus by which partical or total obstruction of the stomach due to narrowing of …
Hypertrophic phloric stenosis is a marked and progressive over growth or enlargement of clcular muscles fibers of pylorus by which partical or total obstruction of the stomach due to narrowing of the lumen.
Exicat etiology is unknown
• Congenital problem
• Maternal stress
• Elevated prostaglandins level
• Deficiency of nitric acid and immature pyloric ganglion cells with abnormal muscle innervations.
Due to any etiological factors
Circular musculature of the pylorus is thickened & increased in size & shape
Muscles become enlarged
Narrowing of the lumen occur
↓ (obstruction partial or total)
Stomach become dilated due to gastric content accumulation
* regurgitation
* projective vomiting forcefully with in 30 minute of feeding
* constant hunger
*failure to thrive
* constipation
* decrease the quantity of stool & urine control
* dehydration
*abdominal pain
* History illness
* X-ray
• Blood & urine examination
• Monitor vital signs
• Ramstedts pylomyotomy- surgery done at the age 4-5 weeks
• After surgery (8-12hours) of few liquid content to child
• Monitor input, output chart of the baby
• Monitor for signs of dehydration & electrolyte imbalance
• Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
• Alkalosis & dehydration may occurs
• Haemptemasis, jaundice
• Intermediate muscle spasm in arma & leg
• Emphasis on maintaince of fluid or electrolyte balance
• Maintain nutrition intake by breast feeding if not contraindicated
• Provide relief or parental anxiety & routine care
• Small frequent liquid to be given
• Measures to be taken for prevention of hospital acquired infection
• Continuous monitoring of infants conditions is very important
• Special attention to be provided on oral feeding
• Usually after 8-12 hours surgery small frequent feeds with expressed milk
• Initially feeding can be started with 1 or 2 tea spoon
• After feeding baby should be placed with elevating the head for 45-60 minute & on the right side of the baby
• Provide worm wound care, medication
• Provide emotional support to the parents health education should be provide related to child’s conditions
• It refers to an abrupt or sudden deterioration in renal function resulting in retention of nitrogenous waste & other bio-chemical substance. • It is a common life threatening situation process …
• It refers to an abrupt or sudden deterioration in renal function resulting in retention of nitrogenous waste & other bio-chemical substance.
• It is a common life threatening situation process adquate treatment are crucid.
• Renal failure occurs due to-
• Burn, nephritic syndrome, fluid electrolytic, disturbance blood clots, developmental anomalies, acute tubular necrosis is damage to glomeruli
• Post streptococcal glomerulo nephritis, hemolytic uremic syndrome or ischemia
• Wilm’s tumour (nephro blastomy)
• Oliguria, anuria is uncommon excapt in obstructive disorders
• Metabolic acidosis
• Electrolytic disturbance
• Non specific features-
• Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, edema & hypertension
• Urine examination – blood urea nitrogen
• RBCs, protein & tubular cells may be present urine
• Radiological studies- USG. CT-scan, X-ray
• Laboratory data such as- hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis, hypocalcemia, hyponatremia
• There should be treatment of renal failure done by the underline cause such as-maintain electrolytic & acid base balance
• There should be treated with complication such as- hyperkalemia is treated by administration of 75% solution of sodium bicarbonate in a done of 1.2 mi/kg over 15-30minute may reduce serum potassium level
• Hypertensive encephalopathy (BP) is reduced by 1/3 of total desired reduction of during first 6-8 hours a further 1/3 over next 12-24 hours and final 1/3 over the following 2-3 days
• Infusion of nitropruside should be 0.5-8 mg/kg /minute is as predicatble reduction cause in blood pressure
• Metabolic acidosis is treated by administration of sodium bicarbonate till serum bicarbonate lead 15-17 milliq/litter is reached
• Nutrition level impairment related to disease condition
• Fluid electrolyte imbalance
• Improper rest & uncomfortable position due to disease condition
• Self care deficit
• Knowledge deficit of the family members
1 The DNAs which are to be used as passenger DNA and the vehicle DNA are extracted out of their cells by lysing the cells with the suitable enzyme. 2 The …
1 The DNAs which are to be used as passenger DNA and the vehicle DNA are extracted out of their cells by lysing the cells with the suitable enzyme.
2 The extracted DNAs are isolated from other cell contents by ultra centrifugation and purified.
3 Both the passenger and vehicle DNAs are then, cleaved by using the same restriction endonuclease so that they have complementary sticky ends.
4 The complementary sticky ends of the passenger and vehicle DNAs are joined with ligase enzyme. This gives rise to a recombinant DNA.
5 The recombinant DNA is now inserted into a host cell such as E. coli.The bacteria to be used as hosts should be without plasmids.
6 The host cells are treated with calcium chloride or lysozyme. It creates transiet pores in their wall and makes the latter permeable to recombinant DNA.
7 The recombinant DNA is added to be the culture in which such as bacteria are growing. The recombinant DNA is taken up by the bacteria. It replicates when the host bacteria divide and give rise to multiple copies of recombinant DNA.
1. A new system of medicine gene therapy, may develop to treat some hereditary disease such as SCID, haemophilia etc. 2. It is the technique for curing genetic disease through replacing …
1. A new system of medicine gene therapy, may develop to treat some hereditary disease such as SCID, haemophilia etc.
2. It is the technique for curing genetic disease through replacing a “Faculty Gene” by a normal healthy functional gene.
3. The first gene therapy used in severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) Pateint.
4. Infact with SCID disorder lack the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA)
5. ADA enzyme involved in purine metabolism.
6. These patients have no functioning T & B lymphocytes.
7. The affected child of SCID develops recurrent infection early in life because they have no immune response against invading pathogen.
8. The ideal approach would be to give the patient a functioning ADA by gene therapy.
9. Thus, genetic disorder can be over come by introducing specific gene.
Transfer of desired genes from one organism into another is an important aspect of genetic engineering. Gene transfer is achieved by two kinds of transfer methods: (i) Indirect method …
Transfer of desired genes from one organism into another is an important aspect of genetic engineering.
Gene transfer is achieved by two kinds of transfer methods:
(i) Indirect method through vectors or carriers and
(ii) Direct or vector less transfer method
Vectorless Gene Transfer : Foreign genes can also be transferred directly by the following methods:
(a) Electroporation : It creates transients ( temporary pores) in the plasma membrane to facilitate entry of foreign DNA.
(b) Chemical mediated genetic transformation: It involves certain chemicals such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), that help in the uptake of foreign DNA into host cells.
(c) Microinjection : It is the introduction of foreign genes into plant or animal cells using microinjection or glass needles.
(d) Particle gun/ Biolistic method: It is a technique in which tungsten or gold particle coated with foreign DNA are bombarded into target cells to facilitate entry of the foreign genes.
(e) Liposome mediated gene transfer : In this method DNA encloses within lipid begs. These lipid begs fused with protoplast.