Plant Ecology & Economic Botany
Abiotic Factors Ecosystem PlantSuccession & Adaptations in Plants Plant Cultivation
Abiotic Factors Ecosystem PlantSuccession & Adaptations in Plants Plant Cultivation
Hard and Soft Acids and Bases Metal-Ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Complexes Electron spectra of Transition Metal Complexes Thermodynamic And Kinetic Aspects of Organometallic Chemistry …
Elementary Quantum Mechanics Molecular Orbital Theory Spectroscopy Photo chemistry and physical properties and Molecular Structure Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative properties
Group and Subgroup Homomorphism, Normal Subgroup and Quotient Subgroup Ring and Field Ideal and Vector Space Vector Space and Subspace
Basic concepts in ecolog Ecosystem Population Ecology Community Ecology Ecological succession Habitat Ecology Major biomes and the world Ecology and Human Future Environment and its concepts Natural resources
Section-A Chordates Protochordates and Cyclostomes : 1.Comparison of habit, external features and anatomy of Herdmania and Branchisotoma (excluding development) 2.Ascidian tadpole larva and its me tamorphosis 3.Affinities of hemichordata, urochordata and …
Section A History of molecular biology: work of Chargaff, Watson and crick model of DNA, Meselson and Stahl replication experiment; Hershey and Chase experiment, Chromatin structure and gene expression, S. Benzer …
APPLIED ZOOLOGY AND ETHOLOGY CHAPTER-1 Animal Culture CHAPTER-2 Concepts of Ethology CHAPTER-3 Methods of Studying Animal behavior CHAPTER-4 Pheromones CHAPTER-5 Societies and Social organization Multiple Choice Questions BIOSTATISTICS CHAPTER-1 Introduction, Scope …