• March 24, 2025

Geography of Rajasthan(in Hindi)

राजस्थान का भौतिक स्वरूप अपवाह प्रणाली एवं झीले जलवायु मिट्टी संसाधन

Social Research Methods

Social research and social survey, meaning, scientific methods. Data forms and sources. Hypotheses Techniques of data collection : Questionnaire, schedule interview, observation and case study. Sampling Tabulation : Presentation of data, …

Micro Economy

Economic Theory: Nature and technique. Micro and macroeconomics. Static dynamic andcomparative static analysis. Positive and normative economics. Theory of consumer‟s behavior: Utility analysis. Indifference curve analysis, Consumer‟s equilibrium, Price substitution and …

Indian Economy

Basic characteristics of Indian economy, Natural Resources Population industry, Role, strategy and challenges, Cottage and Small Scale industries Planning in India, Objectives of five year plans, review of economic progress under …

History of Rajasthan

Geographical features of Rajasthan and their role in the formation of History Main sources of the History of Rajasthan Chief characteristics of Paleolithic, Mesolithic chalcolithic and copperage culture and their extension …

Survey Methods in Social Investigation

Section-A 1. Social research and social survey: meaning, scientific methods. 2. Data forms and sources. 3. Hypotheses. Section-B 4. Techniques of data collection : Questionnaire, schedule interview, observation and case study. …

Social Thinkers

Section-A a. Durkheim : Social Fact, Division of Labour. b. Max. Weber : Social Action, Bureaucracy. Section-B c. Karl Max : Class struggle, Alienation, Dialectric Materialism. Section-C d. Radha Kamal Mukherjee …

Rural Sociology

Meaning of Rural sociology Basic concepts of rural sociology Social structure in Rural Areas Caste Panchayats Panchayati Raj Globalization Green Revolution