• March 25, 2025

Social Research Methods

Social research and social survey, meaning, scientific methods. Data forms and sources. Hypotheses Techniques of data collection : Questionnaire, schedule interview, observation and case study. Sampling Tabulation : Presentation of data, …

Rural Sociology

Meaning of Rural sociology Basic concepts of rural sociology Social structure in Rural Areas Caste Panchayats Panchayati Raj Globalization Green Revolution

Micro Economics Theory

Section –A Economic Theory: Nature and technique. Micro and macroeconomics. Static dynamic and comparative static analysis. Positive and normative economics. Theory of consumer‟s behavior: Utility analysis. Indifference curve analysis, Consumer‟s equilibrium, …

Macro Economics

Basic concepts of Macroeconomics National Income Accounting Money: Meaning, Scope and Function Monetarism and Keynesian approach to theory of Money Different approaches to Income and Employment Determination. Business Cycles Financial Institutions

Human Geography

Section-A Definition, aims and scope of Human Geography, relation of Human Geography with other social sciences. Principles of Human Geography. Essential facts of Human Geography according to Brunhes and Huntington. Schools …

Geography of Resource

Section-A Natural ,scope and sginifance of resource geography. Definition and classification of resources , resources evaluation. Natural Resources : Distribution, exploitation , uses and conservation-forest,water,soil,fisheries, mineral: Energy resources-coal, petroleum, non –petroleum …

Administrative Institutions in India

Section-A Administrative Institutions in a Democratic and Socialist Society. The concepts of Laissez aire; Welfare State and Administrative State. Organization of Government : Legislature- its role and reasons of decline in …