Computer Graphics
Introduction: Elements of graphics workstation. Video Display Devices. Raster Scan Systems. Random Scan systems. Input devices. Graphics Software Coordinate Representations, Fundamental Problems in Geometry. Algorithms: Line drawing algorithms- DDA Algorithm. Bresenham‟s …
Introduction: Elements of graphics workstation. Video Display Devices. Raster Scan Systems. Random Scan systems. Input devices. Graphics Software Coordinate Representations, Fundamental Problems in Geometry.
Algorithms: Line drawing algorithms- DDA Algorithm. Bresenham‟s Line Algorithm. Frame buffers. Circle and Eclipse generating algorithms. Midpoint Circle Algorithm. Sean-line polygon fill algorithm. Inside-Outside tests. Sean- Line fill of curved Boundary Areas. Boundary fill Algorithm. Flood fill Algorithm. Character generation. Attributes of lines, curves, filling, characters. etc.
Graphics Primitives: Primitive Operations, The display file interpreter-Normalized Device Coordinates. Display- File structure. Display – file algorithm. Display control and Polygonspolygon representation.
Attributes of output primitives: Line attributes – Line type. Line width. Pen and Brush options. Line Color. Color and gray scale levels. Color-tables. Gray scale. Area- Fill Attributes- Fill styles. Pattern fill. Soft fill. Character Attributes. Text attributes.
Geometric Transformations: Matrices. Scaling Transformations. Sin and Cos Rotation. Homogeneous Co-ordinates and Translation. Co-ordinate Translations. Rotation about an arbitrary point. Inverse Transformations, Transformations Routines.
2-D Viewing- The viewing pipeline. Viewing co-ordinate, Reference Frame. Windows to view ports . co-ordinate transformation 2-D Viewing functions. Clipping operations point clipping.Line clipping. Cohen- Sutherland. Line Clipping. Polygon clipping. Sutherland Hodge man clipping.
3-D concepts. Three dimensional Display Methods Parallel projection. Perspective projection. Visible line and surface identification. Surface rendering. Three Dimensional Object representations. Bezier curves and surfaces. B-Spline curves and surfaces.
Visibility , Image and object precision Z- buffer algorithm. Floating horizons. Computer Animation: Design of Animation Sequences. General Computer Animation Functions-Raster Animations. Key Frame Systems. Morphing Simulating Accelerations. Motion Specifications. Kinematics and Dynamics.