Web Technology
The internet: history of the world wide web, hardware and software trend, object technology – java script object, scripting for the web-browser portability. Introduction of HTML: introduction, markup language, editing HTML …
The internet: history of the world wide web, hardware and software trend, object technology – java script object, scripting for the web-browser portability.
Introduction of HTML: introduction, markup language, editing HTML : common tags, headers, text styles, linking, images, formatting text, horizontal rules and more line breaks, unordered lists, nested and ordered lists, basic HTML tables : intermediate HTML tables and formatting : basic HTML forms, more complex HTML forms, internal linking, creating and using image maps.
Java script – introduction to scripting: introduction- memory concepts- arithmetic- decisionmaking. Java script control structures, Java script functions: introduction – program modules in java script – function definitions, duration of identifiers, scope rules, recursion, java script global functions.
Java script arrays: introduction, array-declaring and allocating arrays, references and reference parameters – passing arrays to functions, multiple subscripted arrays. Java script objects: introduction, math, string, data, boolean and number objects.
Dynamic HTML : CSS : introduction – inline styles, creating style sheets with the style element, conflicting styles, linking external style sheets, positioning elements, backgrounds, element dimensions, text flow and the box model, user style sheets.
Dynamic HTML: object model and collections: introduction, object referencing, collections all and children, dynamic style, dynamic positioning, using the frames collection, navigator object.
Dynamic HTML: event model : introduction, event ON CLICK, event ON LOAD – error handling with ON ERROR, tracking the mouse with event, more DHTML events. Filters and Transitions: Dynamical HTML: Client side scripting with VB script: Introduction – operators- data types and control structures – VB script functions – arrays –string manipulation classes and objects.
Introduction to PHP – Advantages of PHP – Functions – Data types – Arrays – SQL – Connecting Databases using ODBC – Files – Forms – Images –Imap objects.