• March 29, 2025

Continental drift theory of Wegener – I by Dr. Lala Ram Yadav, Biyani Groups of Colleges

In this Video, Dr. Lala Ram Yadav explains about displacement or drift of continents according to A.B. Wegener. In carboniferous era whole land part of earth is combined named as Pangaea. …

Convection Current Theory, BA, MA Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa.

Arthur Holmes postulated his thermal convection current theory in the year 1928-29 to explain the intricate problems of the origin of major relief features of the earth’s surface.

Morphology Lecture by Ms. Abeer Mathur.

Morphology is the branch of linguistics that studies word structures, especially in terms of morphemes.

Plate –Tectonics Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa.

The earth’s crust is continuously experiencing movements in horizontal as well as vertical direction which results in breaking and bending or the crustal rocks. This process of breaking and bending of …

Mountain building theory of Kober Lecture Dr. Abhishek Baldwa.

Kober was a Germen geologist who is consider to be an exponent of contraction hypothesis. According to Kober, the entire process or mountain building is accomplished in three closely related stage. …

Isostasy Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa.

Isostasy simply means a mechanical stability between the upstanding part and low-lying basins on a rotating earth. The word isostasy derived from a germen word isostasios which meaning there by in …

Sedimentary Rocks Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa

Sedimentary rocks as sediment implies are composed largely of fragments of older rocks and minerals that have been more or less thoroughly consolidated and arranged in layers and strata. Igneous rocks …

Wegener’s theory Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa

5. Wegener was a meteorologist. He propounded his concept on continental drift in the year 1912. Theory of Wegener grows out of the need of explaining the major variations of climate …

Metamorphic Rocks Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa

Metamorphic rocks are those rocks which have been changed wither in form or composition without disintegration. Physical metamorphism pertaining to change in text oral composition of the rock and chemical metamorphism …

Earthquake Lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa

Earthquake is a violent tremor in the earth crust, sending out a series of shock-waves in all direction from its focus or place of origin. Three types of seismic waves as …