• March 27, 2025

Continental drift theory of Wegener – I by Dr. Lala Ram Yadav, Biyani Groups of Colleges

In this Video, Dr. Lala Ram Yadav explains about displacement or drift of continents according to A.B. Wegener. In carboniferous era whole land part of earth is combined named as Pangaea. …

The Night Train at Deoli by Ms. Abeer Mathur, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur

In this video, the short story of Ruskin Bond is briefly explained. It is based on a true incident. A meeting of a flower girl and the narrator at a small …

India General Introduction by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa, Biyani Groups of Colleges

In this Video, Dr. Abhishek Baldwa explains about the general information about our great country India. What is the location of our country, about its shape and size, information about its …

Span of Control by Dr. Shiwani Bansal, Biyani Groups of Colleges

In this video, Dr. Shiwani Bansal, in Biyani Groups of Colleges, Department of Social Science, explains the meaning of span of control. It means how effectively a superior can effectively supervise. …

Social problems in Society by Dr. Binu Singh, Dept. of Social Sciences

In this video, Dr. Binu Singh, Dept. of Social Sciences, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, explains that there many social problems is society due to deviation in behavior. One of it is …

Historical Vocabulary of Rajasthan by Mrs. Malti Vashisth, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, Rajasthan

In this Video, Mrs. Malti Vashisth, assistant professor, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, explains about the names, lands, vocabulary of ancient Rajasthan. www.biyanicolleges.org, www.gurukpo.com.

Public undertakings in India by Dr. Shivani Bansal, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, Rajasthan (2014)

In this Video, Dr. Shivani Bansal, assistant professor, Biyani Girls College, Jaipur, explains about the government-owned corporations which are termed as Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India. In a PSU majority …

Indian Monsoon by Abhishek Baldwa

In this Video, Dr.Abhishek Baldwa explains the process of Indian monsoon. The word monsoon is derived from the Arabian word’ Mausim’ it means seasonal reversal in the wind direction. In India, …

The ancient name of various region of Rajasthan Lecture by Mrs. Malti Vashishtha.

The student and the people alike. This is why this video lecture has been included we should have knowledge of the regions and their ancient names; there is such a chapter …