• March 27, 2025

Rocks lecture by Dr. Abhishek Baldwa

All those materials which form the crust of the earth whether hard like granite or soft clay, gravel or sand stone are called rock. Three types of rocks Igneous, Metamorphic and …

Difference between Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers

the river system of India is divided into two part Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers .the Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature whereas the peninsular rivers are non perennial. The Himalayan …

Water Pollution, BA, MA Lecture by Sweta modi, Biyani Girls Colleges

90 % of water is available in nature is in frozen form of snow, 10% of fresh water is for human being. At any place on Earth, deterioration of water due …

Central Business District lecture by Shweta Modi, Biyani group of colleges

CBD is American word and the central Business District is regarded as the organizing centre about which the rest of the city is structured. This is the place where everyone can …

Mansfield Park –English Novel lecture by Ms. Abeer Mathur, Biyani group of colleges

Jane Austen is believed to have said that Mansfield Park was about the theme of ordination. The word ordination refers to the ceremony by which a man takes holy orders and …

Insolation lecture by Abhishek Baldwa

It is part of lecture presented by Abhishek Baldwa Asst. Prof. at Biyani nGirls College on behalf of Guru KPO. This lecture discusses the insolation and heat budget of the Earth. …

English Play of Victorian Era-the importance of being Earnest.

It is part of lecture presented by Abeer mathur Asst. professor ,Biyani Group of Colleges on behalf of GuruKpo.This lecture is about an Engish Play-“the importance of being earnest”. This play …

Kepler’s laws Biyani Group of Colleges

It is a part of lecture presented by Sonu Agarwal, Department of Science, Biyani Group of colleges on behalf of Gurukpo. This lecture is about the kepler’s laws about planetary motion …