Conflict Lecture
This is a part of lecture presented by Dr. Tripti Vijaywargia, Associate professor of Biyani Girls College. It is a strong disagreement or collision of values, interests or intentions among individuals, …
Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Immunology, Virology and Pathogenesis Click Here Click Here 2. Cell Biology Click Here Click …
Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Plant Biotechnology Click Here Click Here 2. Genetic Engineering Click Here Click Here
Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1. Cloud Computing Click Here Click Here 2. Analysis & Design of Algorithm Click Here …
Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1. Java Technologies Click Here Click Here 2. Web Technologies Click Here Click Here 3. …
Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1. Discrete Mathematics Click Here Click Here 2. Programming in C & C++ Click Here …
Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Immunology, Virology and Pathogenesis Click Here Click Here 2. Cell Biology Click Here Click …
Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1 Plant Biotechnology Click Here Click Here 2. Genetic Engineering Click Here Click Here
Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1. Cloud Computing Click Here Click Here 2. Analysis & Design of Algorithm Click Here …
Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No. Paper Name Question Paper Link Solution Link 1. Java Technologies Click Here Click Here 2. Web Technologies Click Here Click Here 3. …
This is a part of lecture presented by Dr. Tripti Vijaywargia, Associate professor of Biyani Girls College. It is a strong disagreement or collision of values, interests or intentions among individuals, …
This is a part of lecture presented by Dr. Tripti Vijaywargia, Associate professor of Biyani Girls College. It is a strong disagreement or collision of values, interests or intentions among individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and nations. Conflict occurs when basic needs are not met, or when an individual or group is interfering with or obstructing the attainment of certain goals. Causes of Conflict are data — Incomplete or inaccurate data (information) can lead to conflict. Often these conflicts involve disagreements over what is best in a given situation (even if the facts are agreed upon.)
This is a part of lecture presented by Mr. P.C Jangir, Vice Principal of Biyani Girls College. Contract act is the branch of mercantile law. It was promulgated in 1872. Originally …
This is a part of lecture presented by Mr. P.C Jangir, Vice Principal of Biyani Girls College. Contract act is the branch of mercantile law. It was promulgated in 1872. Originally it included 266 sections it was divided as follow:
1. General principles of law of contract from section 1to 75.
2. Specific contracts –Sale of goods 76-123 , Indemnity and gurantee124-147
Bailment 148-181, Agency182-238, Partner Ship 239-266
In 1930 cell of goods act, partnership act 1932 were separated from it
Now the present contract acts include following
2. Specific contracts Indemnity and gurantee124-147, Bailment 148-181, Agency182-238
n this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Academic Director, Biyani Group of Colleges, and Dr. Neeta Maheshwari, Principal of Biyani Girls College, discuss about Performing Assets and Non-Performing Assets, and the measures …
n this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Academic Director, Biyani Group of Colleges, and Dr. Neeta Maheshwari, Principal of Biyani Girls College, discuss about Performing Assets and Non-Performing Assets, and the measures taken by Government to control the advances provided by Banking Sector on the same. Dr. Maheshwari shares that today public sector banks have more money that has been loaned out to people for Assets that are realistically non-performing, as compared to private sector banks. RBI does control the REPO rate, and government has strict measures for banks to ‘lend’ in controlled limits. However, Dr. Maheshwari feels that government needs to have different sets of policies for those borrowers who have crossed the 1 Crore limit, or are deliberate defaulters. Also, Repayment and recovery channels need to be made stricter. Dr. Sanjay Biyani agrees and adds that we need to classify our advance sanctioning and management mechanism first, so that the right amount of money goes to the right people and a bank’s liquidity is not severely affected.
This Video is based on Ratio Analysis, Price Earnings Ratio and debt equity Ratio, Price earnings ratio deals with the share market and to calculate it we have to divide Market …
This Video is based on Ratio Analysis, Price Earnings Ratio and debt equity Ratio, Price earnings ratio deals with the share market and to calculate it we have to divide Market price with Earning Per Share (EPS) by calculating EPS we can conclude whether the share is Overvalued or undervalurd.EPS is a Quality phenomenon which means Earning available for the share holders so profit, Interest, Taxation are the Funds available for the shareholders. Always the Increased EPS is preferred while purchasing the share. Debt equity Ratio indicates the higher risk and vice versa it depends upon the Nature of the Industry and In order to calculate risk position we have to work on Debt equity ratio.
This Video is based on Share holder funds, Equity funds and difference between Provision and Reserves by Dr. Sanjay Biyani, The famous Charted Accountant and an educationist. In this he explains …
This Video is based on Share holder funds, Equity funds and difference between Provision and Reserves by Dr. Sanjay Biyani, The famous Charted Accountant and an educationist. In this he explains about the share holder funds, Equity funds which are actually the funds which belong to the share holders. To calculate shareholder’s funds, you need to know the amount of assets and liabilities of the company. Then subtract the total amount of liabilities from the total amount of assets. Debit Funds are the term which includes the outsider funds like loan, public deposit and Debentures. Surplus are often confusing terms these are funds which Retained in business in the form of Capital revenue Reserves, Tangible assets are those which have their Physical existence and Intangible assets are like copyright, Patency , goodwill and trademark and the another terms are Provision and reserves In which provision is created by Debiting the profit and loss account and It is not available for distribution as dividend among share holders while Reserves are created by debiting the profit and loss appropriation account.
In this Video, Dr. Ruchi Khandelwal Asst. Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges explains formation of Binomial Expansion Formula of Interpolation and Extrapolation. With the help of Pascal ‘s Triangle the various …
In this Video, Dr. Ruchi Khandelwal Asst. Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges explains formation of Binomial Expansion Formula of Interpolation and Extrapolation. With the help of Pascal ‘s Triangle the various values of the coefficients of dependent variable can be calculated. This method is based on the assumption that the leading difference of known values of dependent variable will be zero.
In this video Dr. Tripti Vijaywargia, Asst. professor, Biyani Girls College explains about the Corporate social responsibility (CSR) that boosts a imagination of business answer-ability to a wide compass of stakeholders, …
In this video Dr. Tripti Vijaywargia, Asst. professor, Biyani Girls College explains about the Corporate social responsibility (CSR) that boosts a imagination of business answer-ability to a wide compass of stakeholders, besides shareholders and investors. Key areas of concern are environmental protection and the well being of employees, the community and civil society in general, both now and in the future. The concept of CSR is supported by the idea that business firm can no longer act as separate economic entities operating in separation from broader society. Conventional views about competitiveness, survival and profitable are being swept away.
In this Video, Dr.Sanjay Biyani, academic director Biyani group of colleges Jaipur is giving a basic overview of salary head under income tax act 1961.
In this Video, Dr.Sanjay Biyani, academic director Biyani group of colleges Jaipur is giving a basic overview of salary head under income tax act 1961.
Ms. Apurva Jajoo, Assistant Professor, Biyani girls College explained about the services, characteristics of service and classification of service
Ms. Apurva Jajoo, Assistant Professor, Biyani girls College explained about the services, characteristics of service and classification of service