• March 25, 2025

Database Users, DBMS(BCA II, MCA I, M.Sc. IT) Gurukpo

Ms. Payal Khandelwal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about DB users, 12 codd rules, Definition and concept of schemas and instances. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Data Models ,DBMS(BCA II, MCA I), Gurukpo

Ms. Payal Khandelwal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about Data Models based on their mapping cardinalities and, 4 data models . www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Introduction to DBMS (DBMS)

Ms. Payal Khandelwal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about DBMS, its architecture and difference between DBMS and File System . www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/kTVLO9F1QoY” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Concept of Keys(ADBMS)

Mr. Vivek Sharma Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about key concept.It is an attribute which is uniquely retrieve tuple or set of tuples. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/-ZD8XeG0DH4″ frameborder=”0″ …

Data Models (ADBMS)

Mr. Vivek Sharma, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about Data Models. It is a way which is useful to store information or records in the Database. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org <iframe width=”560″ …

Shortest Job First Scheduling

In this Video, Karuna Yadav, Biyani Group of Colleges, explains about the shortest job first preemptive algorithm work. In this processes are scheduled according the arrival time. http://www.gurukpo.com/

Constraint Satisfaction Lecture by Dr. Madhu Sharma.

This is part of lecture presented by Dr. Madhu Sharma, Head of the Department (MCA) in Biyani Institute of Science and Management. This lecture is about – Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm, in …

Arrays in c + + Lecture by Ekta Sharma.

The Video all about the array in c ++ programming language. This video describes how to declare an array, how to initialize an array, how to take input of elements in …

For Loop of C++ Lecture by Ms. Ekta Sharma.

The Video all about the useof for loop of C++ in programming language. This video describes the syntax of for loop; it also shows the example of for loop, it also …

Printing Asterisk Format in ++ ( BCA, MCA)Lecture by Ms. Ekta Sharma.

The Video all about how we can print * * * *** **** The above format using c++ for loop. This video also describe the use of for loop.