• March 11, 2025

Advanced Computer Archietecture(BCA, MCA M.Sc.IT), Biyani Girls College

Watch video about advanced computer archietecture. Please log on to http://www.gurukpo.com to learn subject wise videos.

Deadlock Concept, (BCA, MCA, MSC.(IT))Gurukpo.com, Free Notes

Biyani Group of Colleges shares useful information about deadlock concept by excellent and knowledgeable faculty. Join our free education program now. http://www.gurukpo.com

Validation Controls Lecture (MCA)

I found a good speech about validation controls on Gurukpo.com so I shared on youtube so people get benefits. I also joined http://www.gurukpo.com.

What is Quick Sort? (BCA, MCA) IT Gurukpo

Ms. Ankita Gupta Assistant Professor, Biyani Groups of Colleges explained about quick sort which is a sorting algorithm that sorts the elements in an order. The main strategy behind it is …

What is Regression Testing? (BCA, MCA) IT Gurukpo

Ms. Shobhana Garg Assistant Professor, Biyani Groups of Colleges explained about regression testing and methodology that applies to improve software quality and performance test. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

What is Feasibilty Study, Information Technology (BCA, MCA) Gurukpo

Ms. Shobhana Garg explains about feasibility study its types and process like flow chart, reports, conclusion and decisions in detail. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Functions in C programming (IT), Gurukpo

Ms. Shashi Naruka, Assistant Professor, Biyani Groups of colleges, Jaipur explains about functions in C programming. Function is a set of statements used whenever needed in program. It is a modular …

Types of Inheritance, BCA, MCA, MSc(it)

The Video all about the concept of Inheritance in C++. Inheritance is the process of creating new class called derived classes from existing classes. The existing class is called base class. …

Function Overloading BCA, MCA, MSc(it)

The Video all about the concept of function overloading in C++.The function overloading or method overloading is a feature that allows creating several methods with the same name but with a …