• March 25, 2025

Data Types (C Programming), BCA I, MCA I, Msc IT, Gurukpo

Ms. Nidhi Khandelwal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about Data types in C with two programs . www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

2-D Array Lecture by Ms. Ekta Sharma.

The Video all about the 2-D array, also known as two 2-D matrix or 2-dimentional array. This video describes how we can declare a 2-D array and how we can initialize …

Exception Handling Lecture by Dipti Gupta.

This is a part of lecture presented by Ms. Deepti Gupta Asst. Professor of B.I.I.E.T. The video is about basic Exception Handling. It means handling the abnormal termination of the program.

Bitwise operators lecture by Deepti Gupta

This is a part of lecture presented by Ms Deepti Gupta Asst. professor of BIYANI GROUP OF COLLEGES. The video is about the basics of “Bitwise operators” in java.

Operators in C Language lecture by Dhanesh Gupta, Biyani group of colleges

An operator is a symbol that “operators” on one or more expressions, producing a value that can be assigned to a variable. C has a rich set of operators which can …

Storage Classes in C by Mr. Dhanesh Gupta

It is a part of lecture presented by Mr. Dhanesh gupta, Asst. professor, Biyani group of colleges on behalf of Gurukpo. This lecture is about storage classes in c or we …