• March 14, 2025

Binary Amplitude Shift Keying by Biyani International Institute of Engineering & Technology

In this Video, Ms. Mayanka Kaushik, Asst. Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges is explaining about the BASK. BASK is basically deals with the phenomemon that if there is 1 then there …

Binary Phase Shift Keying

In this Video, Ms. Mayanka Kaushik, Biyani Group of Colleges is explaining about the Binary Phase Shift keying .BPSK is basically deals with the phenomenon that if there is change in …

Huffman Coding by Mayanka Kaushik

In this Video, Mayanka Kaushik, Assistant Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges explains about the Huffman Coding. In this coding first of all arrange all the probabilities in decreasing order and then …

Cyclomatic complexity Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

Cyclomatic complexity is a software metrics developed by Sir. Thomas J.McCabe and is used to indicate the complexity of a program. It directly measures the no. of independent paths through a …

Overlays and Swapping Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava

Overlays are made when there is a need of running a program of larger size than the memory allocated to it. A program is broken into overlays say overlay1 and overlay2, …

Open system interconnect(OSI model) Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

OSI is a seven layered architecture used to establish communication between 2 systems which have nothing in common like they are in different networks, having different hardware and software, having different …

Operating system basics Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

Operating system is an intermediary between computer user and computer hardware, it acts as an interface between user and hardware. It resides in upper portion of main memory and works in …

Contiguous Memory Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

Contiguous memory believes in storing data in continuous locations. It is the largest chuck of available memory that is not fragmented. When a process needs to execute, memory is requested by …

Compiler Basics Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

Compiler is a program which coverts High Level Language (source code) into assembly level language (executable code). Compiler works fast as compared to interpreter. Compiler comprises of following:

Process Management Lecture by Mrs. Deepika Shrivastava.

Process is a program in execution. Process is dynamic and active and it resides in Main memory. Process is a data structure which has attributes as well as process states. Attributes …