RBI as regulator of Indian Financial System Lecture by Mr. B.K.Jain.
RBI is key regulatory body of Money market in India. It ensures financial stability, Price Stabilities and promote strong financial Infrastructure.
RBI is key regulatory body of Money market in India. It ensures financial stability, Price Stabilities and promote strong financial Infrastructure.
This is a part of lecture presented by Varsha Sharma, Asst. professor of Biyani Girls College. The video is about Change in demand. We can express the change in demand from …
In this video lecture the concept of Retail Banking has been discussed. Retail banking is a framework that allows commercial banks to offer banking products & services in one place at …
In this video lecture the concept of Green Marketing has been discussed. Green Marketing is defined as a strategic process responsible for identifying and satisfying the requirements of customers and society, …
Disbursement of credit for agriculture and rural Development is key function of NABARD. This credit is provided through Cooperative Banks , RRB’s , Commercial Banks.
NABARD was created in the 1982 as a specialized development bank for agricultural and rural development by merging in it two departments of RBI and ARDC.
Broadly intermediaries are banking and non-banking organizations. Under Banking cum Commercial and Cooperatives Banks and under Non-banking there are institution like LIC , GIC and UTI etc.
Role of RBI as regulator of banking system in the country consisting of commercial banks ,private sector banks , foreign banks.
RBI as sole atourathy for desiging ,production and distribution of currency in india .RBIas distributer of coins.
Banks are opening accounts with Reseve bank for CRR, inter bank settlements and money transfer.