Power of Subconscious mind by Prof. Sanjay Biyani on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN
Power of Subconscious mind explained by Prof. Sanjay Biyani, (Director Biyani Group of Colleges Jaipur) on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN News , 24 May 2015.
Power of Subconscious mind explained by Prof. Sanjay Biyani, (Director Biyani Group of Colleges Jaipur) on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN News , 24 May 2015.
In this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani discussed about the career option for Mathematics. He told the one who is good at mathematics, calculation can easily get success in CA Course. During …
In this video Dr. Sanjay Biyani gives powerful thoughts about knowledge that is the solution to every problem. Any problem in money, business, career, relationship depends upon the lack of knowledge. …
Power of Heart explained by Prof. Sanjay Biyani, (Director Biyani Group of Colleges Jaipur) on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN News , 17 May 2015
In this session Prof. Sanjay Biyani Academic Director of Biyani Groups of Colleges revitalised the power of a great teacher and leader “Chanakya”whose intelligence and communication skills inspired us. He also …
In this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Academic Director, Biyani Group of Colleges, explains how the law of attraction works, it creates positive energy around us and that increases our feelings .He …
Positive thinking explained by Prof. Sanjay Biyani, (Director Biyani Group of Colleges Jaipur) on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN News 9th APRIL 2015
In this video Dr. Sanjay Biyani expresses views on energy that we get from various sources. According to him we should always be thankful for every small thing that happens in …
Place of Patience in Career explained by Prof. Sanjay Biyani, (Director Biyani Group of Colleges Jaipur) on CAREER MANTRA ZEE RAJASTHAN News 11 july 2015
In this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Director- Academics, Biyani Group of Colleges, bighearted the New Year wishes to students & advice them to extend attitude of gratefulness & thankfulness. He explained …