• December 21, 2024

MCA Fifth Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Cloud Computing  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Analysis & Design of Algorithm  Click Here …

MCA Third Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Java Technologies  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Web Technologies  Click Here  Click Here 3. …

MCA First Semester Model Papers

Faculty: IT 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1.  Discrete Mathematics  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Programming in C & C++  Click Here …

MSC (Biotechnology) Previous Year Model Papers

Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1  Immunology, Virology and Pathogenesis  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Cell Biology  Click Here  Click …

MSC (Biotechnology) Final Year Model Papers

Faculty: Science 2019 Sample Papers with Solutions Sr. No.  Paper Name  Question Paper Link  Solution Link 1  Plant Biotechnology  Click Here  Click Here 2.  Genetic Engineering  Click Here  Click Here

Silent Killer(GNM, B.Sc(Nursing)).

Activities of daily living Asymptomatic disease.

Sexual Transmitted Diseases (B.Sc. Nursing)

Ms. Pinky Choudhary Assistant Professor, Biyani Nursing College explained STD’s are transmitted by Sexual Contact. There are found many diseases gonorrhea, Syphilis and AIDS. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/ol8ZFlAVvtw” frameborder=”0″ …

What is Ventricular Septal Defect? (Medical) GuruKpo

Mr. Tarun Mudgal, Assistant Professor, Biyani College of Nursung , explains that It is a congenital heart disease known as congenital structural malformation. Blood flow from high pressure left ventricle to …

What is Diabetic Retinopathy ” Medical Nursing Gurukpo

Mr. Tarun Mudgal explained about Diabetic Retinopathy Disease which is a the disorder of the retina characterized by vascular change in the retinal blood.www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

What is Appendicitis by Ms. Monika Lamba, Biyani Nursing College, Jaipur Guru Kpo Guru Kpo

In this video, Ms. Monika Lamba, Biyani college of Nursing, Jaipur, explains about appendicitis which is the inflammation of vermiform appendix earned by the obstruction of internal lumen. It causes pain, …

Chicken Pox (B.Sc. Nursing)

Ms. Pinky Choudhary Assistant Professor, Biyani Nursing College explained about chickenpox caused disease, its characteristics and symptomatic treatment . www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Principles in Psychiatric Nursing

Ms. Jishu Baiju Assistant Professor, Biyani Nursing College explained psychiatry nursing, general principles like acceptance,use self-understanding . www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Mental illness Part-1 Nursing (BCA) Gurukpo

Ms Jishu Baiju explains about definition, characteristics and causes of mental illness. It affects a person’s thinking, perception and memory. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Chicken Pox

Ms. Pinky Choudhary Assistant Professor, Biyani Nursing College explained about chickenpox caused disease, its characteristics and symptomatic treatment .

Fundamental of Nursing

Mr. Suresh Yadav Assistant Professor, Biyani Nursing College explained about Introduction of Nursing, Definition & Principles of nursing, qualities of a professional Nurse & role of Nurse.