• March 25, 2025

“The Shroud” short fiction(Munshi Premchand), Gurukpo

Ms. Swati Charan Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College explained about plights of the untouchables in the pre-independence society. www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

What is objectives of e-learning? (Education) Gurukpo

Dr, Seema Dyama, Assistant Professor, Biyani girls College explained about main objectives of e-learning. It is to traind teacher,develop innovative skills,methods and distances learing.www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

How to write a Research Paper by Prof. B.D. Rawat, Chetna-2015, Biyani Group of Colleges Gurukpo

According to Prof. B.D. Rawat research paper is a well organized systematic arrangement of the work that should speak your work. It should be of our own interest and depends upon …

Biyani Girls College, Hormone Effects.

Hormone chemical sustane regulate our activities like growth, metabolism etc.

Biyani College Jaipur,SKaul,Quantum Dots.GuruKPO

Quantum Dots (QDs) are the nano-particles that have optical properties and have been emerging as bio-imaging probes. Recently, QDs have been the subject of priority research in imaging due to their …

Productivity of Ecosystem (B.Sc. & M.Sc.) Gurukpo

Ms. Pooja Bhagat, Biyani Girls college, Jaipur, explains about productivity of ecosystem. In ecology productivity or production refers to the rate of generation of biomass in an ecosystem. It is usually …

Juvenile Delinquency Vinod Kumar Jain Delinquency)

This is a part of video Presented by Mr. Vinod Kumar Jain. Ass. Professor. Biyani Girls B.Ed. College. Juvenile Delinquent is any child whose conduct deviates sufficiently from normal social age …

Exam tips for XII class by dr. neeta maheshwari

In this Video, Dr. Sanjay Biyani, Academic Director, Biyani Group of Colleges, and Dr. Neeta Maheshwari, Principal of Biyani Girls College, discuss about two kinds of minds — Logical and Creative, …

Audio Visual Aids Lecture by Ms. Yashu Shrivastava

This is a part of lecture presented by Ms. Yashu Shrivastava, Asst. Professor of (B.S.T.C, B.Ed.Department) Biyani Girls B.Ed. College. This video is about A V Tools. AV tools are those …