• March 25, 2025

Linear Differential Equation Of Second Order Lecture by Megha Sharma.

An Equation of form dy/dx + P(x)y +Q(x) y=R(x) is called linear differential equation of second order where P,Q & R are function of x.

Curvature and Torsion, B.Sc, M.Sc Lecture by Megha Sharma.

CURVATURE-The curvature vector at a point P of a given curve is the arc rate of rotation of tangent i.e. change in the direction of tangent as the point P moves …

Fundamental Unit Vector and Fundamental Plane Lecture by Miss. Megha Sharma

The unit vector along tangent, principal normal, and binormal are denoted by t^,n^,b^ and form an orthogonal right handed triad so we can say that t^.n^ =0, n^.b^= 0, b^.t^ =0 …

Volterra Integral Equation lecture by Megha Sharma.

An Integral Equation is Said To be a voltera integral equation if the upper limit of integration is a variable,example- α (x) g(x) =f(x) +λ ∫_a^x▒〖K(x,t),g(t)dt〗 where a is constant, f(x),α(x),K(x,t) …