• March 25, 2025

Differential Equation by Ms. Seema Kumari, Assistant Professor, Biyani Girls College

In this video, Seema Kumari, Assistant professor, Biyani girls College, Jaipur explains the equation which contains dependent variable,independent variable and derivatives of dependent variable with respect to independent variable.www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org

Reduction of General equation of the plane to the Normal form, by Ms. Megha Sharma

In this video MS. MEGHA SHARMA, Assistant professor, Biyani girls college, Jaipur, explains about the General Equation of plane- Ax+By+Cy+D =0 -(1) and the normal form is lx+my+nz-p =0 -(2) We …

Fourier Series Lecture by Ms. Priyanka Pandey.

A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function f(x) in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines… It is useful in the study of periodic function occurring …

The Divergence And Curl Of A Vector Lecture by Megha Sharma.

suppose f(x,y,z)=f1i^ +f2j^ +f3 k^are continuously differentiable vector point function of the co-ordinate x,y,z then div f can be define as- i^ . ∂f/∂x +j^.(∂ f)/∂y+ k^.∂f/∂z and curlf = i^ …

Pinus Lecture by Dr. Anupama Goyal.

Pinus is an evergreen tree. The saprophytic plant body is differentiated into roots , stem and leaves. The roots are covered by a fungal hyphae called mycorrhizae. The branches on the …

Linear Differention Equation lecture by Megha Sharma

A Differention Equation is linear in which the dependent variable and its derivative occur in first degree. dy/dx+P.Y=Q(x) L.D.P. is solved by when its multiplied by exp ∫▒〖p dx〗 because by …

Continuity of function (B.Sc. Maths)

Dr. Radhika Goyal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges, described about a real valued function f which is called continuous at a point c if limit of the function at c …

Limit point, exterior point and exterior point, (B.Sc. Maths), Real Analysis, Gurukpo

Dr. Radhika Goyal, Assistant Professor, Biyani Groups of colleges, Jaipur explains about Limit point, exterior point and exterior point are basics of real analysis. A point Z is called limit point …

What is Finite Differences? Numerical Methods (Science) Gurukpo

Ms. Akansha Shukla, Assistant Professor, Biyani girls College explained about the definition of finite differences, operators,forward difference operators, shift operators ,central operators.www.gurukpo.com, www.biyanicolleges.org