• March 27, 2025

Mechanism of Heart Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This video is about Mechanism of Heart. This mechanism can be divided into heart beat and cardiac cycle. Continuous beating of heart is known as cardiac cycle. It takes 0.8 sec. …

Pearl Formation Lecture by Dr. B L Sharma.

Pearl is only gem stone which is produced by living animals. Pearl formation is a biological process in which pearl is formed by living animals against an irritant in the body …

Digestive System Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This video is about digestive system. Digestion occurs through this system. Alimentary canal and digestive glands are important parts of this system.

Mechanism of Breathing, BSc, MSc Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

Diaphragm and Intercostals muscles are the two important factors of breathing. Intercostals muscles are of two types external and internal. During inspiration diaphram and ext I. M. contracts while int I.M. …

Respiration Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanth

Respiration is the process by which food is oxidized. Respiration can be divided into parts- aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic respiration is further divided into aquatic and aerial respiration. External and internal …

Transportation of carbon dioxide Lecture by Dr.Priyanka Dadupanthi, Biyani Girls Colleges.

Oxidation of food generates carbon dioxide. Transportation of this by three ways. Approximately 7 % of this transport in dissolved form, 23%in carbaminohaemoglobin form and 70% in bicarbonate form. CO2 enters …

Nervous System of Prawn lecture by Priyanka Khan, Biyani Girls Colleges.

This video lecture is about the nervous system of Prawn. Prawn has well developed nervous system having supraoesophageal ganglia as brain, ventral thoracic mass and double origin ventral Nerve Cord as …

What is Respiration? Physiology (B.Sc. Biology)

Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi, Biyani Girls college, Jaipur, explains about respiration which is exchange of gases in which oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled in lungs. It includes respiratory organ …

What is Reproduction – Physiology (B.Sc., M.Sc)

Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi, Assistant Professor, Biyani Group of Colleges describes about reproduction which is the process by which individuals can form their own type. It is divided into asexual and sexual …