• February 15, 2025

The Divergence And Curl Of A Vector Lecture by Megha Sharma.

suppose f(x,y,z)=f1i^ +f2j^ +f3 k^are continuously differentiable vector point function of the co-ordinate x,y,z then div f can be define as- i^ . ∂f/∂x +j^.(∂ f)/∂y+ k^.∂f/∂z and curlf = i^ …

Types of interval Lecture by Megha Sharma.

Interval notation is a way of writing subsets of the real number line. A closed interval is one that includes its endpoints: for example, the set {x | –3 x 1} …

Pinus Lecture by Dr. Anupama Goyal.

Pinus is an evergreen tree. The saprophytic plant body is differentiated into roots , stem and leaves. The roots are covered by a fungal hyphae called mycorrhizae. The branches on the …

Mechanism of muscle contraction, BSc, MSc Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This mechanism is divided into four steps. 1. Excition 2. Excitation contraction coupling 3. Contraction 4. Dilation

Blood Groups Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This video is about Blood Groups. Landsteiner and Veiner describe two systems to identify blood groups. One of them is ABO system and other is Rh system. These systems are based …

Mechanism of Heart Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This video is about Mechanism of Heart. This mechanism can be divided into heart beat and cardiac cycle. Continuous beating of heart is known as cardiac cycle. It takes 0.8 sec. …

Pearl Formation Lecture by Dr. B L Sharma.

Pearl is only gem stone which is produced by living animals. Pearl formation is a biological process in which pearl is formed by living animals against an irritant in the body …

Digestive System Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

This video is about digestive system. Digestion occurs through this system. Alimentary canal and digestive glands are important parts of this system.

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Lecture by Sonu Agarwal.

This is a part of lecture presented by Sonu Agarwal, Asst. Professor of Biyani Girls College. Maximum power transfer theorem states that “In an electric circuit power transfer from source to …

Mechanism of Breathing, BSc, MSc Lecture by Dr. Priyanka Dadupanthi.

Diaphragm and Intercostals muscles are the two important factors of breathing. Intercostals muscles are of two types external and internal. During inspiration diaphram and ext I. M. contracts while int I.M. …