• March 25, 2025

Organic Chemistry

Electromagnetic Spectrum Absorption Spectra Infrared (R) Absorption Spectroscopy Alcohols Monhydric Alcohols Dihydric Alcohols Phenols Ethers and Epoxides Aldehydes and Ketones Carboxylic Acid Organic Compounds of Nitrogen

Plant Physiology & Bio Chemistry

1.Respiration & Photosynthesis 2.Plant Growth Regulators 3.Seed Germination 4.Transpiration 5.Enzymes 6.Plant Movement 7.Photoperiodic 8.Water Relations and cytokinins 9.Biomolecules 10.Phases of Growth and Development 11.Unsolved Papers 2011-2009

Immunology, Microbiology and Biotechnology

Section-A Immunology 1.Immunology: Definition, types of immunity:innate and acquired:humoral and cell mediated. 2.Antigen: Antigenicity of molecules, haptens. 3.Antigen-antibody reactions: Precipitation reaction, agglutination reaction, neutralizing reaction, complement and lytic reactions and phagocytosis. …

Differential Equation

(UNIT-I) Differential Equation of first order and first degree: Homogeneous equations, Linear Equations and Exact differential Equation MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (UNIT-II) First order higher degree Differential Equations, Clairout’s Form, Complimentary Function. …

Cell Biology and Plant Breeding

CELL BIOLOGY Nulcleus: DNA, RNA, Types of RNA, Euchromatin, Heterochromatin. DNA Replication, Genetic Code, Types of Inheritance: Mendelian Inheritance (Mendel’s laws), Cytoplasmic Inheritance. PLANT BREEDING Steps of Plant Breeeding, types of …

Animal Physiology & Biochemistry

Section-A Animal Physiology with special reference to mammals 1.Osmoregulation, membrane permeability : active and passive transport across membrane. 2.Physiology of Digestion : Nature of food-stuff, various types of digestive enzymes and …